Chapter 28 - Winter's Wrath: Part 2

Start from the beginning

When his feet touched the ground, he was attacked. Two of them were on him, a raider grabbed him from behind as his buddy approached him with a knife.

"Gotcha, asshole!" Joel wrestled with the man, "Finish him off!"

"Hold him still!--"

The raider was cut short as a heavy kick from Joel found its way into his junk, causing the man to kneel over and collapse, "Ah shit." Before he quickly sent a headbutt backwards into the man holding him still, breaking his nose.

"Son of a bitch."

Joel snarled, grabbing the man by his jacket and shoving him into the wall of the house, with his head colliding against the stone. Turning to the raider who struggled on the ground, he sent a kick to his face and grabbed him.

"You're coming with me."

Dragging the poor bastard off as the other laid unconscious, Joel had a plan to find the kids, and it wasn't gonna be pretty.

For them.

"What do you want?"

It wasn't long before Joel had them where he wanted them, one of them tied down in a chair shitting himself while the other was being beaten to an inch of his life, punch after punch, until he spilled what he knew.

"What the fuck?"

Sending a final fist into the man's face, Joel backed off, "You stay here," He didn't bother with his hand, knuckles bloodied and cut from the force of his attacks. He grabbed a knife and a chair for himself and sat across from the terrified man. "Now... the boy and the girl, are they alive?"

The man shook uncontrollably, "What boy and girl? I don't know no--" He screamed out in pain as a knife found it's way into his kneecap, twisting in untold pain. "Fuck!"

"Focus right here. Right here. Or I'll pop your goddamn knee off." Joel threatened, a dark look in his eyes. "Now, the boy, and the girl."

Biting at his lip hard enough to draw blood, the man let go and nodded, "They're alive. They're David's newest pets."


Screams of pain only intensified as he said nothing.

"In the town. In the town!"

Joel lifted the knife and placed the handle in the guy's mouth, and showed him the map, "Now you're gonna mark it on the map. And it better be the exact spot your buddy points to. Mark it."

"It's right there. You can verify it. Go ask him. Go on..." He squirmed in his seat, pissing himself as he did. "He'll tell ya. I ain't lyin'. I ain't lyin',"

Wrapping his arms around him, Joel snapped his neck and ended his life, as his buddy by the wall looked up at him, barely clinging to life as he spoke.

"Fuck you, man. He told you what you wanted to know." Joel grabbed a metal pipe from the floor and approached him. "I ain't telling you shit."

"That's alright. I believe him."

Goodbye forever...

"No, wait!--"

"Wake-y, wake-y."

Ellie was rudely awoken the next morning, manhandled roughly by James, who dragged her from her cell kicking and squirming as she fought against him.

"Come on,"

Grabbing at the chains with cold hands, Ellie struggled against him, "Let go!" Digging into the spot, she spotted David out of the corner of her eye approaching them.

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