Chapter Thirty- Seven

Start from the beginning

" What do you want?" my voice unintentionally came out in a whisper.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite-."

" What the hell do you want?" I said stronger and louder, cutting him off.

"There we go, we found our big girl voice. "

I let out a breath I was holding in and fidgetted in my seat impatiently.

" I missed you, my dear," He finally said. "Did you forget that you owe me a date?"

" Screw you Zaynab, I'm leaving," I said feeling anger and impatience build up in me.

When I tried to get up from my seat he hooked one of the legs of my chair with his foot under the table and pushed the chair further inside making my chest crush against the table.

" Tsk tsk, you only leave when I allow you to. "

My regret for coming here intensified and I began to slap myself mentally for even doing so.

" Look Zaynab," I began feeling panic slowly build up but I still tried to keep my cool. " I understand you were using me to get your brother's attention and that worked out well for you. You have all his attention now. So I'm really puzzled as to why you've been blasting up my phone all week. "

" Is that what you think you were?" he leaned back on his seat and he chuckled. " A pawn? My dear, you were the entire plan."

"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

" I mean sure, I am after Kace's title, but not Kace. I couldn't care less about him," he said and paused. " But I care a lot about his things. "

He said the latter part slowly and a smirk appeared on his lips. I felt myself begin to hyperventilate and the air around me slowly deteriorate.

" You see soon, I'll have his title, once I kill him of course but -," he leaned in closer from across the table. " Every Alpha needs a Luna right? "

"W-what?" I voice wobbled. Was he telling me what I think he was telling me?

"Listen to this, what if there doesn't have to be a battle? What if no one has to die?" he continued. " Sounds good right? " he said noticing the change of expression on my face." Kace would go back to his pack as Alpha, your brother too. Mera would be safe and living her best life with him. Even Kace's little friends would be safe and alive along with him. And the only person who can make that possible is you. "

" Me?"

" Yes, my dear. Now listen closely," he leaned in further from his seat and gestured for me to move close. " All you have to do is reject Kace and accept me. "

My eyes grew even wider and my jaw dropped slightly at what he said. Did I just hear what I think I heard? I shook my head profusely and raised my hands.

"This is all bull, you're insane," I swallowed down my throat. " You're insane if you think I can believe anything that comes out of your mouth."

" Well, that's too bad. A lot would have been avoided if you'd just agreed to my proposal. "

" You expect me to believe that you'd just let Kace be the Alpha without a fight? I wasn't born yesterday. "

" Oh but I would, " he said quickly. "You think I didn't have a plan B in case I lost the Alpha battle? I have enough wolves on my side to form my own pack and be an Alpha. All I need is someone destined to be a Luna and that's where you come in my Luna. You would be like the liberator, the Luna that sacrificed herself to free the Crescent pack from their misery that is Zaynab. "

"They'd probably build you a statue," he added.

I shook my head again. " You're lying. "

He smirked and leaned back into his chair. " Will you say so when I come for your entire family and burn them to the ground?"

" You'll come for them anyway, " I said.

"Not if you accept." He picked up the butter knife that was on the table and began playing with it between his fingers.

" I'm a very impatient person Sayd, you have a week to make your decision or else I come for you, your mate, your family, his family and everyone you know."

"You're insane," I said not breaking eye contact.

Suddenly he stabbed the knife into the table. I jolted and squealed when I saw the knife landed between my fingers and he was still holding the handle.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" he asked looking at me sullenly.

At that point, I was shaking in my boots and couldn't utter a word.

" You have seven days," he said again. " Until then, I won't hurt anybody, not a hair on your head. It'll be like good old Zaynan disappeared. After all, I wouldn't want a scratch on my Luna now. "

" You disgust me," I said in a shakey whisper.

" What was that?" He asked me mockingly.

Suddenly I felt frustration and anger build up in me all at once and I said it loudly.

" You disgust me!" I didn't care that I turned some surrounding heads and that most people outside were watching us.

He smiled and got up from his seat. He pushed his chair back then searched his pockets and pulled out a few bills and dropped them on the table. Before walking away he stood next to me and leaned down so he could speak into my ear.

" I'm flattered," he whispered then walked away.

Major story update.
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