Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It had been weeks since the last time I saw Zaynab, this was all part of his plan. To play with my mind until I broke but I didn't break easy, I didn't break at all. In case of anything I had Mera convince Sayd to move to Graham's pack and my mother moved there too. I appreciated that Graham went the extra mile to make sure they were comfortable.

In the meantime, I spent most of my time working on a few home designs I had with some clients and also fixing up our place with the guys. I also went to visit Graham's territory.

" Hey Kace," Sonny said to me standing at my door.

"Hey, Sonny."

"I didn't expect to see you here so soon. "

"Well, I didn't have much to do at Graham's pack. "

" I see, how's Sayd doing? "

"She looked okay. "

" Didn't you talk to her?"

"I looked at her."

"Kace," he massaged his forehead. " Look, when a girl asks for space, she means the opposite. She wants you to not be so close to her so she can think and at the same time, she needs to feel like you are with her every second. "

"Well, would you look at that? I'm getting advice from a guy who hasn't  been with a girl in years."

He shrugged. " Take it or leave it, this is solid advice. "


" Don't come crying to me when you lose your mate," he got up from my bed and began to walk out of my room.

"I'll remember that," I said. " Wait." I stopped him. " Are you leaving the house right now?"

"Yeah, I am. Why? "

" I was hoping you could drop me off somewhere. " I got up from my chair and took the jacket that was on it.

"Okay, sure. Where do you want to go?"

"The woods."

" The woods? Why the woods?"

"I was hoping for a family reunion. "


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sonny asked when we parked on the other side of the road, opposite the dense trees.

"Not really, but I'm not worried too much if he tries something funny. "

"How sure are you that he'll show up?"

"It's Zaynab, his ego won't let him stay hidden. "

I opened the door and stared at the trees. I didn't have a plan on how our encounter was going to go, or if he'd even show up.

"Call me if you need help, I'll be close."

" Got it. "

I walked deeper into the woods and when I felt I got far enough, I stopped and looked around. I tried to look for any scent that I could link to his but found none.

"Come on Zaynab, " I called him out. " You can't hide forever. "

As I was talking I was looking around the trees to avoid any surprise attacks.

"I won't beat you to a pulp this time, I just want to talk. " Still nothing.

"Come on boy, " I whistled.

After I few seconds I heard tigs break and he appeared from in between the trees and looked at me from a distance.

"Very funny, "he said referring to my last remark. A part of me still couldn't believe I was standing in front of him another part of me wanted to end him now.

"Anyway, you called for me brother. "

"I'm not your brother. "

"Well, that sure hurts my feelings," he said sarcastically with his hand on his chest.

"I called you here to ask you what the hell you want," I said feeling anger starting to grow.

"Isn't it obvious ?" he said with a smirk.

"If it's me you want then let's finish this right here and now."

He chuckled. "I'll have to decline the offer brother. You see this is not just about you." I silently listened to him talk. "It's about the torment your father put me through. It's about the pity your mother showed me, disgusts me. And you." he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"You see the people of the power pack won't accept me as their Alpha as long as you're alive, but that's not an issue. I'll just bring them your head and whoever dares to challenge me will end up just like you. As for y Olo ur friends and mate, well you know how I love to see people suffer. "

As he said this, I felt my muscles tense and my hand rolled up in a ball. " If you dare touch any of them I will bury you. "

"I'd like to see you try Alpha Cohen," he chuckled. " You look just like him you know, and oh how I enjoyed killing him and watching him die slowly. "

He was right about one thing, I didn't care that he died or how he died.

"Let me warn you of something Zaynab. Never for a second think, I'm afraid of you. If you think I'll sit back and watch you torment innocent people, I will do exactly what I did to you a few weeks ago and this time I'll finish you off. "

"Well, that sent shivers down my spine," he sarcastically said. " Anyway you have successfully bored me, I'll be seeing you when I come for the rest of your family and friends. "

He turned around and took two steps forward then turned into a massive black wolf and ran into the forest.

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