Chapter Seven

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Kiera had tried to climb out of the window that night but as soon as she looked down she saw Elias watching her window from the garden. The rest of the day Elias ensured that Kiera stayed in the house working on her needlepoint and sewing. All she desperately wanted was to see Bennett again, to hear his calming voice talk about anything and everything.

As night began to fall Grace slipped on her new dress, did her hair and applied her make-up before she stood before her mirror looking over her appearance.
Ball after ball after ball. When will it end? All I want is to see him. To hear his voice. This is torture. When-
A little knock at the door broke through her trance.
"Yes?" the door opened slowly before Finley poked his little head around the door.
"Hi Rah" he smiled widely.
"Come here little rascal" she dropped to her knees and opened her arms for him to run into, which he did without hesitation.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to a ball, like the one we had here, remember?" he nodded "I'm going to find a husband"
"A husband?"
"Yes, so I can have children and make our city strong"
"Does that mean you'll leave?"
"I'll have to live with my husband, so yes" she nodded.
"I don't want you to leave" he grumbled, folding his little arms over his chest.
His little grumpy face, scrunched up out of anger and sadness. Can I trust him to keep the truth about Bennett a secret?
"Can you keep a secret?" his face lit up before he nodded "I don't want to marry any of those men. I want to live with you and mom for a long time"
"Really? You pinky promise?"
"I pinky promise, little Fin. I'm not going anywhere" she promised, wrapping her pinky with his.
"You look pretty in your dress" he smiled.
"Thanks buddy. But, I'd rather be in pajamas" she smiled, looking down at his outfit.
"Finley, it's time for bed" Vienna appeared in the doorway.
"Can I have two stories?"
"Only if you hurry" she smiled as the boy scrambled onto her lap. She gave Kiera a reassuring smile before she wheeled them off towards his room.
Kiera turned back to the mirror and went back to examining her appearance.
Just smile and nod at everything they say. It will all be over soon, and everything will go back to normal. Hopefully.

Kiera followed behind her mother and father into Ella's home. The lights made the usually dark, large room seem bigger and brighter.
This is wrong. We're here to pick husbands, the men we are going to spend the rest of our lives with. The lowers are starving so that our children can thrive. Bennett's friends are dying whilst we drink and stuff our faces. I want to end this. I want-
"Kiera!" Ella crossed the room quickly, pulling her into her arms.
"Hey Ella" Kiera smiled.
"Floyd" Elias smiled as Ella's dad joined them "It's good to see you" Floyd shook his friends outstretched hand.
"You too. Our girls are doing quite well for themselves, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes. Kiera has already had three offers and that was just from the coming out ball alone" Elias announced proudly.
Three offers?
"We wouldn't want to waste time, let me introduce you to Laurence's son" Elias nodded to Floyd before he guided Kiera across the room.
"Elias, good to see you" Laurence smiled, shaking his hand.
"You too friend. I was wondering if Ezra here would like to dance with my Kiera?"
"It would be an honour, Mr Foster. Any friend of my father's must receive my respect, naturally" Ezra smiled.
Kiss ass.
"May I have the honour of dancing with you next Miss Foster?"
"You may, Mr Miller" Kiera nodded, taking his arm, she let herself be led onto the makeshift dance floor. As the music started up again Ezra wrapped an arm around her waist and took her hand in his other. They moved across the dancefloor, twirling and stepping in time with the music.
"You dance beautifully" he commented.
"You're not so bad yourself"
"What are your interests?"
"You don't have to try just because my father knows yours"
"What is that supposed to mean?" his smile falling to a frown.
"It means that you don't have to feel obligated to dance with me if you have your eye on another girl" she told him "I don't want to get married anyway" she muttered.
"That kind of talk is dangerous here" Kiera couldn't stop the scowl spreading across her lips.
"You're beautiful when you scowl at me" he teased as the song came to an end "See you around beautiful" he winked at her, earning a grumble from her before they parted "It'll be fun to wear you down" he smirked before he headed off towards the other young men.
I hate him. I hate this.
"Kiera" Ella moved to her side quickly "How was it?"
"How was what?"
"Dancing with Ezra. Every girl here wants to marry him, he's gorgeous"
"He's awful" Kiera groaned.
"Awful. I swear you have no taste in men but I love you anyway" Kiera grabbed her and began pushing her through the house and into the garden "Well that was rude-"
"I'm in love already" Kiera told her stunning her to silence.
"With who!? Why didn't you tell me this!? Kiera!"
"Shut up before someone hears you"
"Who is it?" She demanded.
"My gardener"
"A gardener?" Kiera nodded "Your crazy, you need your head checked"
"I love him. He's what I want, Ells. I don't want this" she gestured to the house "I want to marry who I'm in love with and not one of those stuck up, entitled idiots!"
"Wow. This is a lot" Ella sighed and Kiera slid into the seat next to her.
"Please don't tell anyone, they could have me killed for loving Bennett"
"Bennett? Mysterious and handsome, I love it"
"I never said he was handsome"
"Is he?" Kiera blushed furiously "I knew it" Kiera laughed at her friend and lay her head on her shoulder.
"What am I going to do?"
"Run away with him. That's what I would do"
"Yeah. Maybe"
Running away with Bennett? Me and him. Away from everyone else. That doesn't sound too bad.

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