𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔.

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I sat on my bed criss-crossed as I watched Kyler pull his hoodie over his shirt.

He was leaving again, only making the quick trip to make things right with me. A part of me didn't want him to leave again. It was hard to trust him now even more than it was before. How could I trust that he wouldn't spiral after another phone call with his grandfather and do something worse next time?

" Stop it." My eyes snapped up towards Kyler who was now hovering over me. I inhaled deeply, finding comfort in his scent the closer he got.

His eyes stayed glued to mine as he lowered his face to mine, keeping a safe distance away. " I can't help it," I responded, already knowing that he knew what was going on in my head at the moment. " It's hard not to think that I could wake up another month from now with your picture in every fucking media outlet of you with another girl, Kyler."

Kyler hangs his head, his shoulders rising as he lets out a deep exhalation before pulling away from me. " Look, I understand that you don't trust me right now but hanging this over my head like every other thing that has happened in the past isn't going to help us move forward at all. That isn-''

His phone vibrated harshly against the glass of my bedside table. He sighed as he looked from me to the phone before grabbing it and answering the call. I sat in silence, stuck in my thoughts as I blocked out the conversation that he was having with Carson.

He was right. I couldn't hang this over his head because deep down there would always be this resentment towards him if I didn't let it go now. It would be hard considering that the wound was still fresh and that I would be reminded of it for the next few days until another rapper or athlete  cheats on their girlfriend and this little mishap would be old news. I would have to eventually let it go in order for us to start off right this time.

Kyler and I were far from healthy and that needed to change. It wouldn't be fair to say that Kyler only needed to change some things about himself if we were going to work out, I needed to work on myself as well. These changes wouldn't happen overnight but if I wanted a long and happy relationship with Kyler, they needed to be made.

And maybe this happening again was for the best, even before this, I was only seeing what he did wrong in the past and not how I contributed to making him feel when he fucked up.

Kyler got off of the phone and turned towards me. " I have to go. The plane is waiting for me," he says as he pockets his phone and grabs his duffel bag. " I'll call you when I land."

" I'll walk you out." I stood up as he headed towards my bedroom door and followed him out of my room. Downstairs was empty and silent, the girls were still asleep as it was still early in the morning. We made it to the door and Kyler turned around, causing me to step back at his abrupt actions.

I gasped, stunned as he reached out and gripped my chin between his fingers. He bent down and my eyes fluttered shut as his forehead came in contact with mine. My breathing escalated at the close distance that we shared. His hand opened and palmed my cheek and my body went on autopilot as I melted into his touch.

Out of Bounds | Book 3 in USC series Where stories live. Discover now