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There she stood

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There she stood.

The girl that made my life hell for years on end.

The girl who had no respect for me or herself.

The girl that was so sad and pathetic, that she had to project her insecurities and fears towards me. In the process, she became the very thing that she feared.

A cheater.

A lair.

A manipulator.

A disgusting piece of trash.

A leech to society.

Someone who feigned for attention so badly, that she resorted to any means necessary to get it. Even if it meant hurting the people that she once claimed to "love".

A person like her didn't know the definition of the word love. She used and abused that word like it was nothing, because it was nothing to her. Love was just a game. Love was a way for her to hurt the people that had geniune feelings towards her.

I had genuine feelings for her. She was my first love after all. It wasn't perfect but for me, it was love.

The more I grow and get older, the more I realize that love isn't perfect. Love was messy. Love was ugly. Love was a bi-polar monster. Sometimes it destroys you. Sometimes it makes you crazy. Sometimes it makes you happy. Sometimes it makes you sad.

Love was sick, really.

I took a sip of my espresso martini, savoring one last taste of it before I sent it flying her way. " Isn't it such an honor to have Oregon's famous women's soccer goalie in our presence?" I mused to the girls.

" Although," I hissed, tapping my finger against my chin as Ximena stood there fuming over her ruined shirt.

Tough, bitch. Mine was Copereni.

" I'm sure she caught more STD scares than she caught balls last season. Isn't that right, Xi? Is it still itching down there?" I asked, pretending like I gave a damn.

" Can we cut this little introduction short," Ayanna made a show of pinching her nose, adding insult to injury. " It smells like a fisherman's boat and Dominic's weed stash had a baby."

The comparison couldn't have been more spot on. My nose hairs were stinging standing in her presence from the vile stench of self-loathing and desperation to make others hurt just as badly as she was, leaked out of her pores and penetrated my senses.

" I'm still trying to figure out why it and thing are still standing in our presence?" Sade tilted her head, rubbing her fingers together with a scrunched up facial expression. Her irritation was written clear as day all over her body language, along with the rest of my friends.

" Thing? And who the fuck are you?" Ximena's rat, I'm sorry, girlfriend finally spoke up.

Sade barely spares her a glance. " Ah! Thing speaks."

Out of Bounds | Book 3 in USC series Where stories live. Discover now