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I WOULD RATHER step on glass and pick up the pieces and swallow each piece then fake being his girlfriend.

Not in this life, Not in the next and most certainly not in the one after that.

"And how does that help me in any way. Certainly you're asking to die? Aiden will murder both of us." I warn him because seeing Aiden angry is a sight I absolutely despise more then cherry flavoured lollipops.

"Aiden's anger is nothing. You will be fine just agree to this and you might get a few people off your back."

"And who might that be?"

"Elena and her little, excuse my language, Bitches." He says in a sarcastic tone. He chuckles but there's no humour in it.

"Seriously. Screw you Aaron." I cannot believe him and I can't believe I actually wanted to do this tutoring session with him. I don't know what possessed me.

"I'll give you one week. Till next friday to think about it." He leaves me behind and walks off inside the building.

Why would I agree to a bet that has nothing in it for me? Honestly I find it quite strange that Aaron expected me to agree to this without hearing his reason as to why he's doing this.

I mentally groan and prepare myself for my english literature class. I hate english lit and a certain green eyed person with tattoos embroidered all over his body is in that class.

I think about Aaron's words and think of all the possible reasons why he would want me to be his fake girlfriend.

It can't be because he wants to keep his fan girls away from him because they'd still be all over him regardless. Plus he could pick anyone for that.

It could be because he secretly hates my brother and wants to piss him off. No it definitely isn't that one. This isn't a movie Valerie.

"Miss Myers." My English teacher calls out to me and my thoughts vanish as soon as I hear him.

"Were you paying attention to anything I said?" He asks me, if I wanted to risk my position here I would give him the finger. However I would never do or say such crude things.

He can go jump off a fucking cliff and hit his head on a sharp rock.

"I was, Sir." I roll my eyes and he raises a brow at me and nods his head.

"If you were paying attention then you wouldn't mind telling me how Shakespeare uses religious image to describe Romeo's love for Juliet."

Come on. Shakespeare was my favourite. He seriously couldn't have given me a harder question?

"Romeo calls Juliet a saint and angel. Meaning Romeo worships Juliet. "Eyes in heaven" and "baptised" are said to describe her beauty and the moment when their sins are wiped away and given new life."

I remember this from my last terms exam paper. Learnt it off by heart from then.

"Well done Valeria. Seems like you were paying attention after all, my apologies." Mr. Jameson apologises when I wasn't really paying attention and I don't feel bad at all he always gives me a lower grade on my exams when I should get more. He just really hates me.

"Mr Rhett, do you mind telling me a quote from Shakespeare that represents you'll love someone no matter what?" he goes into pick someone else and I turn my attention behind me and meet the dark haired freak.

"Not at all, sir." he grins whilst still staring into my hazel eyes with his emerald eyes.

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."

The quote rolls off his tongue so smoothly I could listen to him recite Shakespeare quotes all day.

"Meaning you love someone for their personality and inner qualities, not just for their appearance." He finishes off and his gaze is still on me, my cheeks were bright red when he winked at me when he finished his sentence.

"May I add another quote?" A voice calls out from the door. I break eye contact with Aaron and he smirks knowing I broke it first. Jerk.

All my attention turns to the stranger at the door and my blood starts boiling with rage.

Breathless with anger I stood up and grabbed my bag and ran out of class with my head down and run right past him whilst holding my breath.

That was no stranger. That was my ex. A fucking psycho.

 A fucking psycho

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Valerie's psycho ex is back? What do you think he did to make Valerie hate him so much?

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have any of you guys watched Culpa Mia? ITS SO GOOD OMG
lmk your thoughts on it!

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