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MY MIND had been on Aaron all night. My teacher had mentioned something about Aaron supposedly refusing to tutor me for a specific reason. A reason which I couldn't think of.

My mind had been so fixed over Aaron that I hadn't realised I was over pouring the milk in my cereal bowl.

"Hey dumbass, you're wasting the damn milk." My twin brother, Aiden had slapped the back of my head.

He was born first. Because I didn't have the chance to suffocate him inside the womb. Well that's what I wished I had done, unfortunately he hadn't been strangled by me and was born before me which makes him think he can boss me around.

"You can't cuss around me." I shove the milk in his bare chest. Gosh he's gross and sweaty.

"Says who?" Aiden chuckles. Opening the milk carton and drinks the remaining milk until he tosses it into the bin. Even gross.

I sigh and another thought about Aaron washed over me. Was it because of my brother? Was he afraid that my brother would find out?

My mouth gaped open to ask Aiden but instantly closed it. However my brother raised a brow at me.

"Spill it Val. What's on your mind?" He presses his back against the counter as I was sat on top of the counter.

"Aaron Rhett. The one on your team?" I took a deep breath in. Aiden looked at me with shock, did he not expect me to bring up his name?

"What about him?" Aiden hadn't ever brought up Aaron's name around me. I've heard about every single one of his teammates. Including meeting them all, Except for Aaron.

Maybe he hated being around people other than playing basketball with them. Sure he was known but he was only popular for being in the team. No one had ever seen him attend the frat parties.

Rumours had it he sells drugs for a living, but I refuse to believe it purely because coach would kick him off the team in an instant.

"You will never be allowed to play basketball here again if I find out that any of you have been using drugs." 

Words my brother had told me that their coach had essentially engraved in their heads, i'd doubt any of them would go against it.

"Long story short," I was about to say something when I was cut short by Aiden.

"I want the long story." He demanded me to tell him. Nothing surprising. Whatever Aiden always wants he gets. Blah blah, shit gets boring here.

"Well you're getting the short story." I told Aiden how I had failed my exam — if he told mom or dad I would key his car —
Along with telling him about Aaron.

"Rhett's tutoring you, good luck Val." The chuckle that left his mouth told me that nothing about that sentence was good.

"He's a tough one. A lot of yelling. It's not hard to piss him off." As if Aiden was advising me on what not to do.

Nothing new. But if Aaron Rhett ever raised his voice at me — anyone in fact — just know that I will yell ten times fucking louder.

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