wild goose chase (a.f.)

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Tara's alarm rang loudly at 6 in the morning, disrupting the peaceful silence of your room. You groaned and buried your face in the pillow, not ready to face the world just yet.

"Rise and shine, buttercup," Tara called cheerfully, pulling the covers off of you.

"Do you have to be this loud at 6 in the morning?" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.

"Yes, if that gets your lazy ass out faster," Tara retorted with a playful grin.

"Taraaaa.." you whined, twisting over in your bed while snatching the covers back from her.

"I'm dying to introduce you to my friends," Tara said, her eyes shining with excitement.

She went over to your curtains and pulled them apart, letting more light come through your room. You groaned and tried to avoid the harsh sunlight.

Ignoring your groans, Tara continued, her bubbling attitude persisting.

"They're an interesting bunch, not gonna lie, but you're gonna love them. And I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms."

After a quick breakfast, Tara led you through the bustling school corridors.

She gave you a quick tour of everything from the shitty drink fountains to the amazing food choices in the cafeteria, but your nerves were still on edge.

Finally, you two arrived at a group of friends gathered in the courtyard.

"Guys, this is my cousin, Y/N," Tara announced, beaming with pride.

She gestured over to a jock with his arm wrapped around a pink haired girl with heavy eye makeup, a curly haired girl with a rainbow baseball shirt, a blonde dude with blue eyes that looked so awkward, and the most gorgeous girl you've ever seen.

"This is Chad, Liv, Mindy, Wes, and Amber."

"Hi there. I'm Amber," the bubbly girl with dark wavy hair and a bright smile said, extending her hand.

Tara cut in, annoyed. She eyed her best friend.

"Yeah, I just said that, Amber."

You laughed softly, finding Amber's enthusiasm endearing.

"Hi," you greeted timidly, shaking Amber's hand.

Her hand was really soft. You blushed when you realized you were thinking that.

Amber's eyes widened as she looked at you, clearly taken by your beauty.

"Wow, you're really pretty," she blurted out to seem like in a daze but that was really part of her flirting.

You blushed, not used to such direct compliments.

"Oh! Thank you. You're so pretty too!" you replied, trying to return the kindness.

"Thanks, gorgeous," Amber said, flashing a flirtatious grin.

"Alright, that's enough of that," Tara interjected, her protective side kicking in.

Rolling her eyes she cut off your interaction, pulling you down to sit at the picnic table adjacent from Amber's. She also rolled her eyes, knowing how Tara gets.

Throughout the day, Amber made an effort to befriend you, and you found yourself drawn to Amber's genuine and caring nature.

Tara kept a close eye on the situation, ensuring that Amber's intentions were pure. Slowly but surely, your reservations faded, and you began to feel more comfortable around Amber.

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