take care of you (m.m.)

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The soft glow of the streetlights illuminated the wet pavement as you and your girlfriend Mikey walked out of the cozy restaurant, your hands intertwined.

The evening had been filled with laughter, good food, and a warmth that extended beyond the walls of the eatery.

As you stepped onto the sidewalk, the first droplets of rain began to fall, prompting you to look up and smile.

"Looks like we're in for a little rain," you said, a playful twinkle in your eyes.

Mikey chuckled, pulling you closer.

"Well, they say a little rain never hurt anyone, right?"

With an impish grin, you tugged Mikey towards a nearby park.

The raindrops grew more persistent, gradually drenching your hair and clothes.

Laughter bubbled up between you as you reached an open grassy area.

You twirled around, your arms outstretched as if to embrace the rain.

Mikey followed suit, throwing her head back and spinning around.

"Come on!" you exclaimed, grabbing Mikey's hands and pulling her into a twirl.

The rain soaked you both to the bone, but you didn't care.

In that moment, it was just the two of you, caught up in a world of your own.

You danced to the rhythm of the rain, your laughter echoing through the park.

Your heart raced as Mikey pulled you in for a close dance, your bodies swaying to an invisible melody.

Drops of water slid down your faces, your lips curving into smiles as you leaned in for a gentle kiss.

"I've always wanted to dance in the rain," Mikey whispered, her breath warm against your skin.

You nodded, your eyes locked on Mikey's.

"Me too. It's like the world disappears, and it's just us and the rain."

The rain intensified, turning into a downpour, yet neither of you showed any signs of stopping.

The world around you blurred, leaving only the two of you and the magic of the moment.

Your laughter mixed with the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves and pavement, creating a symphony of its own.

Mikey laughed heartily as you two swayed together.

Her shining smile made you smile.

The sight of her wet hair and the droplets sitting on her lashes was something out of a movie.

You continued to dance, your movements a mixture of grace and spontaneity.

Your fingers intertwined, you spun around and laughed like carefree children.

Mikey's eyes sparkled with joy as she twirled you around, her laughter harmonizing with yours.

As the dance gradually slowed, you pulled Mikey close, your foreheads touching.

"You know, they say that rain brings good luck."

Mikey grinned, her nose brushing against yours.

"Well, I already feel lucky to be dancing with you in the rain."

With a gentle sigh, you rested your head on Mikey's shoulder, your bodies swaying slowly as the rain continued to fall around you.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. You were connected by the magic of the rain and your love.

Mikey Madison ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum