midnight (m.f.)

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Warning(s): Angst & mild smut

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The room was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the room. You and Max had just finished eating dinner downstairs with her mom and sisters and were just basking in each other's company.

The two of you laid on Max's bed, scrolling on your phones with Max's hand on your thigh, occasionally drawing circles or running it up and down.

This was nice; just the two of you doing your own thing while still in each other's presence.

Max's phone buzzed loudly, making you glance down at her phone to see her open the messaging app. You weren't the possessive jealous type, but you did get snoopy once in a while.

Max didn't react to the sound until she read the text. Her hand left your thigh as she sat up, automatically tapping away a response. You silently huffed, missing the warm sensation.

The next thing you knew, Max was rummaging through her closet for an outfit. You watched as Max rushed around the room, gathering her things in a haphazard manner. She was throwing clothes on the bed, a shirt landing at your feet.

You sat there with your arms crossed, frustration evident on your face, since you knew Max's hectic routine of getting ready.

It was probably Paisley that had texted her, for another party. Max's phone was right there, still unlocked and on the conversation.

Glancing at the phone and back at Max who was too busy picking shoes, you leered over to check the name at the top. It was definitely Paisley and she had texted Max if she wanted to go to a party. The sun had barely even set. Classic.

You looked back up to see Max running back and forth, nearly making you dizzy. The atmosphere crackled with tension, thick with unspoken words.

You took a deep breath, mustering the courage to address the mounting issue. You pushed yourself off the headrest, crossing your legs.

"Max," you softly said, as you approached the subject.
"We really need to talk."

Max froze for a moment, her back turned to you, before slowly turning around to face you. Her face was a mix of annoyance and impatience.

Max groaned, giving you a pointed stare.
"What is it now, Y/N? Can't you see I'm busy?"

You tried to push past her defiant tone.
"It's important, Max. Please, just listen for a second."

Max let out an exasperated sigh, her eyes briefly rolling before she reluctantly gave you her attention, as if it was the hardest thing in the world for her to do.

She used to want to listen to everything you had to say. Now it felt like she was annoyed whenever you spoke.

You sighed, your voice tinged with exasperation.
"It's about your late nights and constant partying. It's starting to become like..really bad," you attempted to put it delicately, wanting her to take the message well.

Instead, you were met with a defensive Max. Her gaze now hardening at you.

"Oh, here we go again. You're always on my case, Y/N."
Max threw a shirt to the ground, raising her tone as she walked over to the bed.
"Can't I have a life outside of work? Sorry that I enjoy going out and having fun."

You gave her an exhausted look, feeling like you were getting nowhere with her.

"That's not that I'm saying, Max," you said sitting up and scooting on your knees towards her.
"You need some balance, it's affecting your job and even our relationship."

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