Chapter 9: Bumpkins, Toadstools, and Puppies... Oh My!

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** This is part 9 of a 10 part excerpt to celebrate the release of Spelled, a YA twisted fairytale-out now!!!

"Approach lost animals gently, so you don't scare them away. With the right touch, they'll follow you home forever."

- Bo Peep's Guide to Enchanted Animal Care

A few hours' walk from the Bumpkins, my feet were killing me. I was used to wearing heels all the time- I lived in them- but this was the farthest I'd ever traveled, period. This was also the longest I'd ever gone without food. My stomach cramped around the nothingness. "I'm starv-ing," I complained to no one in particular.

"Okay, well, I nominate you to find some food for us," Rexi said, still making sure to stay a few steps ahead.

I made a face at her green tunic. "Sure, I'll put that on my to- do list. Right under find parents, fix magic, and try not to end the world in a big ball of fire."

"Well, if you're hungry, you can always try one of the figs. They haven't killed your pet yet. Unfortunately." Rexi pointed to Kato, who was scarfing down more of the rotting fruit.

I wasn't that hungry.

Watching him whack the tree trunks with his spiky tail, I could see that my earlier observations had been spot on. He was getting bigger fast and wasn't a baby fuzz ball anymore. He was more like a gawky tween fuzz ball with paws the size of milk saucers. When he was done growing, he would be a big boy.

Rexi hollered from a little ways in front. "Hey, Dorkea."

I moved a little faster to hear better, and so I could smack her if the opportunity arose. "Excuse me...what did you say?"

Rexi coughed into her hand. "I said, 'Hey, Dorthea.'"

Yeah right.

"So I've always wanted to ask. What's the deal with that whole curse business anyway? Are you like a ticking time bomb now or something?" She matched my pace, then looked me up and down as if assessing my threat level.

She was the first servant to ever ask; everyone else had always kept their distance. Better safe than crispy, I suppose.

"It's possible." I gave her a sly smile. "So you probably better be careful and stop pixing me off."

Rexi snorted and rolled her eyes, her favorite mode of expression. "Bring it on. You look pretty harmless."

A blumerang bird flew directly between us, then stopped to stretch its gossamer wings on top of a giant purple-spotted toadstool a few yards away. Before it had a chance to take off again, the toadstool opened its cap and swallowed the bird whole. The only evidence that the bird had ever existed were two feathers floating to the base of the fungi.

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