Chapter 7: It's a Big World After All

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** This is part 7 of a 10 part excerpt for the new YA Fairy-tale twist, Spelled-to be released June 2nd from Sourcebooks.**

" Who needs parents when a land of adventure awaits?

Once you find a fairy or two, you'll never never miss 'em."

- Neverland Orphanage Handbook

Sometimes the body works its own kind of magic. Take adrenaline, for example. In the heat of battle, a mortal wound feels like a scratch. A mother whose child is threatened has the strength of ten ogres. And a princess chased by a witch can abandon the only home she's ever known.

Adrenaline had kept me going and put a big piece of tape around the things that were broken. Now the rush was gone, and so was the stuff that held me together.

I fell apart.

My parents were gone. There was a good chance my home was a glittering green crater. I was out in the middle of nowhere with no food, water, or wardrobe change. Oh, and I was stuck with a snarky servant and an unwanted furry fiancé.

Through my tears, I gave Kato a look that would have done my mother proud. "I hate you. This is your fault. I only made a wish to escape you. My life was just fine before you showed up with your freaky black fingernails. Now everything's ruined. All my stuff is gone with the wind."

"Typical." Rexi stood up and brushed off the seat of her pants. "We're probably gonna die, and you're worried about losing the new spring fashions and blaming everyone else for your troubles."

I stood, infuriated at her uncaring attitude. "Excuse me? You can't talk to me that way."

She whirled around, hand on hip. "And why not? Are you going to throw me in the dungeon? Oh wait, you don't have one anymore."

I got in her face and looked down on her. "What is your problem with me?"

Her eyes got wide, her nostrils flared, and she pushed her finger right into my chest. "I don't have a problem with you. My problem is you. You and all your high-a nd- mighty story-book buddies. You think you're so special, that you can do or have anything you want. You don't care who wakes up at two when you want a snack, or how many elves it took to make those shoes you only wear once then throw away."

I knocked her hand away. "That's not true. I would never throw away shoes- "

"Ahhhh!" she interrupted and spun away from me. "That is exactly my point. How self- absorbed can one ditz be? It's all about you. Everything you've lost. What about everybody you just royally hexed? Not that I care, but fuzz ball here doesn't seem too happy with the new look you gave him."

My defenses immediately went up. This wasn't my fault. "But I didn't mean- "

Rexi threw her hands up. "Of course you didn't. Well, the road to hell is paved with the golden bricks of good inten-tions. And while I'm here yelling at you, we're sitting swans for the Gray Witch. So stop thinking about you and help me figure out where we are."

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