~ Surveying Past the Horizon ~

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3rd Person POV:

It was not an unfamiliar experience to feel a cold breeze rush past one while in Mondstadt. On a warm day, a chill wind can cool down the hard workers on whatever job they partake in. However, what was not expected was an underdressed god climbing the Dragonspine mountain as if it was a mere hill.

'How refreshing!' Y/n happily thought, another breeze of freezing temperatures swirling around him. The grey clouds that covered the mountain looked grim, yet he continued on.

The path ahead of him remained clear despite the harsh weather, with the few spots of dead yellow grass sticking from beneath the snow. A few dim lanterns were present in a few places along the trail, though hardly bright or warm enough to be of any help to explorers.

Yet, there Y/n was, not minding any of the conditions that surrounded him while he made his way in no particular with no specific goal.  The plan of finding his fellow god and friend had been put aside, tucked away like the paper cranes in his pockets. Instead of choosing to help clear Mondstadt skies or offer his assistance to the Knights, he followed his heart and feelings, leading him to the very mountain he was climbing. Y/n paid no attention to the various people and creatures he passed, from the spatially unaware hilichurls and samachurls to the protective treasure hoarders and Fatui skirmishers. It was only when he heard quiet voices in the wind and the flickering light of fire grow that he become aware of his surroundings

'Oh, a cave with people?'  the h/c-haired god questioned, continuing down the descending path. What was once snow turned to broken wooden planks before there was an entire section of road missing, only leading to a large drop down the mountain. Across the gap was a continuation of the path, insinuating that the path had been broken, either by a fallen object or erosion. Either way, Y/n saw no issue with pulling out his glider and flying over the gap, briefly gasping when his foot slipped for a moment when he landed.

"Smooth..." he muttered to himself, continuing down the path. The voices he had earlier grew louder, as well as the sounds and flickering of a crackling fire. Y/n stayed quiet as he finally approached the lit up cave, peeking around the corner to see in.

"Mister Albedo, how much longer will it take to gather conclusive evidence?" A mint-green haired figure asked, holding her hands together anxiously. Evident from the slight tremor on her voice, she was clearly a worried person by nature. Embedded in her hair was a pair of pointy, yet floppy ears, with her long thin parts of her hair tied back.

"Conclusions can't be gathered until tested fully, Sucrose," a blonde young-looking man replied, his attention on the journal in front of him. He appeared to be writing entries in the leather-bound book, his bright teal eyes scanning the page after every stroke of his quill. Y/n quickly noticed the four-pointed gold star embedded on the skin of his neck, just below his adam's apple. "It appears we are missing a portion of this experiment that is essential. However, I haven't concluded exactly what factor is needed to achieve positive results." Realizing he should make his prestance known, Y/n stepped out from behind his hiding spot.

"Excuse me," he spoke up, making the green-haired girl, dubbed Sucrose, jump in surprise while Albedo looked up from his project with a neutral expression. "I was wondering if I could could use your fire to cook myself something for the road." Both of the caves occupants looked the god up and down, both somewhat curious about his appearance and apparent lack of care for the cold of Dragonspine. It didn't take long for the chief alchemist to notice the undisguised white vison hanging from his waist. Though Y/n quickly tucked it away from view.

"W-who are you?" Sucrose questioned, a bit nervous at the man's sudden appearance. Humming a bit in thought, Y/n gave her a small smile.

"Name's Y/n." He replied, continuing to stand outside the cave, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"I would take a guess and infer that my assistant wanted more information than that, Y/n," the blonde spoke up before turning back towards his journal. "Feel free to use it. Sucrose, please go grab some more valberries and whopperflower leaves. I'd like to try a new combination," he continued, scratching a line in his book.

"O-of course!" Sucrose needed no more incentive to leave the cave, shivering on her way out. She sent a brief nod to Y/n as she passed by him, earning one back in response.

Entering the cave, Y/n took note of all the appliances and tools spread around the small space. The shelves were lined with books and notes while the table Albedo had been working on at scales, measurements and other contraptions that Y/n could not name. In one of the corners was a beautiful painting of the Dragonspine mountain, one that Y/n couldn't help but admire and want to study.

As he squatted by the fire, Y/n briefly stared at the blonde owner of the cave. From what he could infer, the shorter man was very focused and detail oriented. Though their quick conversations was not enlightening to any degree, Y/n guessed that he was not particularly good on conversation with new people. Perhaps the h/c-haired god also assumed that from the isolated spot upon a dangerous mountain. However, what caught his eye the most were the man's star-shaped pupils within his teal irises. As well, the four-pointed gold star located on his neck.

"You're a Khaenri'ahn, yes?" Y/n suddenly spoke up, cracking a couple of eggs into the available pan above the fire. Albedo looked up from his notes, making eye contact with Y/n.

"That would be correct," the blonde replied, putting down his quill and observing the other's movements.

They both went silent as they watched the other, the cave being filled with the sounds of a cold wind blowing and eggs sizzling.

"You're not a mortal."


Letting out a relieved breath, Y/n took a seat on a primarily snow-free boulder.

The top of Dragonspine was a beautiful sight that many would likely never see in their lifetimes. Yet, there he was, practically able to view the entirety of Teyvet. Wanshu Inn in Liyue, the Narukami Shrine across the ocean in Inazuma and a sheen of the Tomb of King Deshret from Sumeru in the distance. Truly, a breath-taking experience.

"And I don't have a kamera to savour the moment, darn." Y/n's fingers strummed a long forgotten tune he could no longer remember the name of on the rock. He watched not only the clouds of warm air he let out as he breathed but the city of Mondstadt not far off in the distance. "The poor city, it looks so bleak with the grey clouds surrounding it..." he muttered, letting out a sigh.

As if the stars had answered his prayers, the dark skies around the city of freedom dissipated. All the remained was a beautiful blue and a bright sun covering the land.

'How convient... not that I'm one to complain.'

Standing from his spot, he gently sweeped any powdery snow off his clothes. Y/n looked at the city once more before turning back down the mountain.

"We shall meet soon, Barbatos. »

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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