~Stories About The Archon Of Light: A Collection~

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Lore Warning? Please correct me if I'm wrong about the info on the Archon War. Just remember, this is fanfic and not an actual part of Genshin Impact, so don't take anything too seriously ;) Also, I know this chapter won't be the best but it's just to add some history. Even if it is stupid. Treat this chapter as if it were written by someone else.

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The following is a collection of short stories and recollections, all relating to the Archon of Light. Warning: Not everything in this book is historically accurate and may be based on eyewitnesses, personal beliefs and or stories passed down for generations. If new information about the Archon of Light is discovered or learned, another version of this book will be released. Thank you for picking up Stories About The Archon of Light: A Collection and reading about our mysterious Archon of Light.

(Note: Any author who writes about the Archon of Light uses the gender-neutral terms they/them/their/themselves. The reason it is written this way is that no one but the gods knows what 'gender' the Archon of Light truly is, adding another layer of mystery to the Lux.)

Night and Moonlight:

Have you ever wondered why night is never dark? Why is it that you can see almost just as well as during the day? Well, the reason is that the moon lights up the sky and the land. Thanks to it and the sun, Teyvat will never fall into complete darkness.

But why is the moon there? How did it get there in the first place? According to ancient rumours, the Archon of Light, Genesis, is scared of the dark. Since they didn't want anyone else to be afraid, they asked the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis, to throw a large piece of rock into the sky. If he did this, they could place their light on it and illuminate the night. Rex Lapis agreed, and they formed a contract together. The conditions of this contract were and continue to remain unknown. Yet, it's believed that the contract stated that Rex Lapis and his allies would have the ability to change the way the moon looked.  Genesis would have control over it after. The only way Genesis would give up control would be if they were unfit to control it. However, these are just speculations. Since its formation, the moon has remained in the sky and has never stopped glowing.

The formation of the moon also benefitted another Archon. With the moon high in the sky, the Hydro Archon no longer had to think about the pushing and pulling of the ocean. Whenever the moon is visible in the sky, it pulls the ocean water towards it. This allowed for tides to be created. The Hydro Archon silently thanked the Archon of Light, quietly promising to help them out if they were ever in need.

Thanks to the moon, the Archon of Light never has to fear darkness filling the land again. They are often rumoured to be so proud of the moon, they wander around Teyvat at night, basking in the light of their beautiful creation.

Day and Sunlight:

One of the oldest questions in Teyvat is how the sun formed. The sun lights up Teyvat and allows all humans to do their daily tasks. But how did the sun even get up in the sky? Not many know, including the gods. However, it is told that the sun was one of the first things formed in this world. Many assume that the Archon of Light formed the sun with their own hands. And that's what is believed by most people of this world.

Nonetheless, many theories have been made and been passed down from generation to generation. One theory is that the Lux Archon, Pyro Archon, and Geo Archon all worked together to form the sun. According to this theory, the Archon of Light contributed the most to its creation. While this theory is pretty solid, it has a few holes. If Rex Lapis and the Pyro Archon worked alongside Genesis to form the sun, shouldn't they have some control over the sun? Since Rex Lapis is the God of Contracts, there is a low probability that he would agree to create something as amazing as the sun without something in return. As well, the Pyro Archon isn't known for their kindness or ability to work with others as the God of War. The Archon of Light and Pyro are almost considered opposites in that matter. Another reason this theory isn't correct is that the sun is one of the oldest things in this world. If not, the oldest. Looking at the stories surrounding Rex Lapis and the Pyro Archon, we can see how they would not have even been created or born when the sun was formed.

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