Chapter 15 - Gifts, Betrayals, and Threats

Start from the beginning

"Is there a problem, brother?" Elijah asks before silencing the worker crew.

They continue their bickering and I watch them, knowing tonight like the last they will crawl on either side of me and pretend as if they haven't spent the whole day like this.

"Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not." Elijah points out as they are joined by visitor.

"I agree with Elijah. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover." Genevieve tells them before raising her gaze up to me.

"Morning, Phoebe." She greets but I just give her a nod in response.

"Careful, Elijah. If she is agreeing with you, she wants something." I call out as I eye Genevieve.

No matter of the treaty, I will never trust this woman fully.

"Actually, I do have a request." Genevieve says as she swings her gaze from me back to Elijah, "I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change."

"Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?" Elijah asks, clearly annoyed which makes me smile.

"La Fête des Bénêdictions. Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest girls to society." Genevieve recommends, confidently.

"So, your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment. Not to mention the things your coven has done to Phoebe. And you would like a party for the witches?" Elijah asks in disbelief.

Elijah turns and looks up towards me, "Phoebe?"

I shrug and turn on my heels, heading away from the courtyard and towards my room.

I sit myself on the edge of my phone and make a call that is long overdue.

"Damon! Big brother!" I say as the call connects.

"You sound weirdly cheerful to be talking to me." Damon says through the phone with a groggy tone.

"Did I wake you?" I ask with burrowed brows as I try work out the time there.

"No. Just dealing with issues." Damon says as if he is keeping something from me.

"Damon.... Is there something happening?" I ask with suspicion.

"Something you should know? Nope, nothing."


"Phoebe...... You live in New Orleans where I am sure you have enough problems, you don't need Mystic Falls problems." Damon explains.

"Ha! So, there is a problem!" I exclaim.

"Bea, drop it. Tell me what's up on your side of the country?" Damon asks as he tries to change the subject.

"We are playing happy town by shoving our hatred with each other deep down." I put simple.

"That doesn't sound like it is going to end well." Damon says with a small chuckle.

"I know but it will give me a good excuse to get rid of them all." I say with a small shrug as I stand.

"Like you need any excuse to do that."

"I signed the treaty, promised to follow the rules." I tell him as I walk over to the table in the middle of the room.

"Since when has something like that ever stopped you?" Damon snorts.

The Enchantress² | N + E MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now