Chapter 5

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She slept, she ate, she fought. She fought hard, sun up to sun down. She mimicked every skill he had up until his Beast Form. That was one skill she couldn't copy, yet, somehow, she still managed to win. It left her defeated at the end, it left them both defeated. Cyan was exhausted and all she could do was sit on the ground. The injuries she had bled through her clothes, but she smiled. She had beaten her first Demon Lord, she had won.

Truly, she had won.

However, she knew she wasn't ready. Across from her, Carrion could only laugh. He was impressed, surprised she could defeat him. While not an easy task, he was still surprised. He walked to her, put a hand out to her and smiled. "You did good."

Cyan looked at him, taking his hand and he pulled her up.

"I'm impressed you managed to beat me, I didn't expect that. But when you said you had a special skill like the one that you do, I knew it would be a toss up." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

Was he that laid back that he was okay being beaten? Cyan sighed, maybe it was just her being so uptight. "Are you not disappointed?" She asked and he stopped laughing and just looked at her.

"You put up a great fight, Cyan. I don't see any reason that I should be upset." He smiled at her and Cyan slowly began to let her guard down.

He was the first real Demon Lord she had met and he seemed rather kind, but not everyone was the same way. She had heard stories, stories of ones that were truly cruel. "I think you're too nice for a Demon Lord," Cyan smiled. "But I guess everyone is different."

Carrion chuckled, "you put up a great fight. There's no reason to be upset. Am I disappointed that I didn't beat you? Why wouldn't I be?" He laughed some, but shook his head. "If I am going to lose, I'd rather it be because you're stronger then I am."

Cyan chuckled, "I think I just got lucky in the skills department."


Stay, he said, eat with us. Have something to drink, rest for the night before you continue and if you're going to go somewhere next, I can tell you which Demon Lord to go to.

That was what he had told her and she believed him. He was laid back, she could tell the respect he got from everyone else. Everyone either worshipped him or admired him and Cyan, she respected and admired him. A Demon Lord that wasn't full of himself, one not hell bent on power. He laughed and smiled like everyone else. Aside from his power, he was normal.

So, she drank with them, ate, and talked like it was normal. She didn't have friends, she was always on the road.

"So, I have a question for you, Demon Lord Carrion." Cyan looked at the Demon Lord on the opposite side. He stopped what he was doing and looked at Cyan.

"I'm all ears."

She had many questions, but the words of the clowns still bothered her. It was random, they had just popped up so randomly that she hadn't the slightest clue what to make about it. "I was... camping, trying to get here and I ran into two clowns. Sound like anyone familiar? Figured if I was going to ask anyone, it would be you."

Cyan watched Carrion, she could see the gears turning in his head and how something popped into his head because the look on his face changed.

"Yes, sounds familiar.... Why do you ask?"

Cyan shifted and put her drink down. "Like I said, I was camping and they popped up. It was random, never met them before. But I guess if I was crazy enough to get here faster and to win faster, I would've taken them up on their offer..." Her voice trailed off, causing Carrion to cross his arms as if he was waiting for her to finish.

She cleared her throat and coughed, "right.. sorry. They brought up something about power. If I wanted real power... Seemed sketchy to me so I told them to leave."

Carrion continued to watch her, but nodded her head. "I know someone that might be responsible. If you want advice, steer clear of them. You'll have more trouble from them then what it's worth."

She nodded in response and glanced around. Most of those around them were silent. The Beastketeers, however, looked more nervous. Phobio to be exact, he looked like he had seen a ghost. She picked up her drink and took one gulp, sighing. She didn't want to know more then what she had to, what Carrion said was enough for her. "I'll keep that in mind, thank you."

What did the clowns want from her? From some of the reactions, it was better to not find out. She didn't want to make a mistake, no, she had to get to Guy her own way with her own power.

"And Cyan, you don't need more power. It'll take a lot to beat Demon Lord Guy, but you're on the right path." Carrion smiled at her and Cyan's face lit up.

"Thank you."

For the first time, she had validation that she was on the right path, but it clearly would not be an easy feat.

"I think I'm going to retire to bed." Cyan stood and bowed her head. "Thank you for everything." She smiled and took a few steps back before going to return to the room that had been given to her for her stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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