Chapter 4

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Taking the abilities of other monsters, taking their powers and turning it into her own just for a short while. If they couldn't combat their own powers, they usually lost and most did. However, this battle was more than just getting started. Her cloak was torn, exposing her side and blood traveled down her mouth. Her side wasn't quite bleeding just yet, but with one more hit, it surely would. No one would beat her, she had to get where she was going. If she didn't, what was the point in this? She had to win, she had to.

If she lost, she couldn't face her ultimate goal.

Guy Crimson.

This was just a bump in the road.

Getting to Carrion was easy, they weren't ready for her and they never expected her. The last Beastketeer was where she struggled, that was where she lost most of her energy and strength to fight. She was strong.

Albis, the golden serpent, number one of the Beastketeers. She fought the hardest, but Cyan still managed her win. She was ready for Carrion, but not with the power he brought. Her first real Demon Lord, she needed to win.

She had to prove herself, at least to her, that she was ready to face Guy, the Lord of Darkness.

The first hit from Carrion sent her into one of the huts of another beastman. Though, there was little argument from anyone, everyone just stood back and watched. Who was the fool to take on a Demon Lord? She would surely die. However, she fought back with everything she had until she was bleeding. The first blood, her first blood.

She could see the bewilderment in his eyes, he didn't understand it either. Let alone how she could mimic some of his abilities. No one outright challenged a Demon Lord, they didn't even have a clue as to who she was.

Slowly, Cyan lowered her sword. Maybe she had jumped into this the wrong way. She wanted to be on the path to taking on the greatest demon lord, but maybe jumping in head first wasn't quite right.

As soon as she lowered her sword, tensions began to loosen. She slowly sheathed her sword, and stood in silence. "I guess... I might have gone about this the wrong way."

Too head strong, too ready to jump into any fights, that was what her parents had always told her.

However, apologies weren't that easy for her too. This was important to her, this was the greatest thing she could do with her life.

Cyan cleared her throat, "right.. I guess the first thing I should've said is that I'm sorry for..." Cyan looked at Phobio first, he had gotten the full strength that she had.


Cyan was bandaged and had been given a change of clothes, not exactly how she had expected her first fight to go. On the contrary, she had figured that she would have won by this point.

However, that was definitely not what went down. On the contrary, now she found herself explaining the situation to Demon Lord Carrion.

"You can copy others abilities?" Carrion asked, that was the first question. She was surprised it wasn't something else or that she wasn't being completely chastised for how she went about her fight.

But that worked.

"Yes... my ability is called mimicry. It allows me to take on my opponents abilities for a short amount of time." Cyan shifted. "It usually lasts until the fight is over, but I have never had anything go on that long... So I guess the time frame is unclear right now..."

Carrion blinked a few times, processing what she had told him and then he smiled. "That's a very interesting power. I've never seen anything like it. But what brings you here? You injured my men, but it seemed like it was nothing to you."

Cyan cleared her throat, "right, I apologize... I'm honestly trying to see if I'm ready to take on Demon Lord Guy Crimson... It might make not sense to you, but I have been preparing for this for a good part of my life. I want to have the power, but clearly..." She took one look at her side and then him, "I'm not ready."

Carrion smiled at her. She was right, she wasn't ready, but she had beaten all three of his Beastketeers without seemingly even breaking a sweat. It was impressive, she beat all three with very little to no injuries. He was impressed, but she wasn't ready to take on Guy. "I admit, I am impressed with how you beat all three of my strongest, but I wouldn't say you're quite ready for Guy yet."

Milim and Guy were the two strongest and oldest of the Demon Lords. He couldn't even see her beating Milim, but maybe with time, she could manage to take on them both. For a human, she seemed a natural and her ability was out of the ordinary. Guy would be interested, he always took an interest in those with unique powers.

Cyan was one of those.

Cyan cleared her throat once more. It wasn't that she was sad, but more disappointed. Years of training, she thought she was ready.

"Tell you what, rest here and you can challenge me tomorrow. How does that sound?" Carrion smiled at her and Cyan stared back.

He was the first Demon Lord she had ever met, but he seemed more easy going then the others she had heard about. Even then, the better chance she stood, the better. Maybe a new day would help her sort herself out. But this was a Demon Lord, not some easy challenge. This was quite the opposite.

Still, the clowns words rung in her head.


Absolute power.

However, she had her own power and that was enough. She didn't want to steal someone else's to get there, her power did that on its own. It just didn't last. If it did, she would be stronger, she would be ready.

"I'll take you up on that offer... but why are you doing this? Seems to easy," Cyan crossed her arms and he could only smile.

"In my country, you would be one of my beastketeers for the strength you displayed." Carrion smiled, leaning back. "But since you seem adamant on your path, I figured a new day would help you."

Cyan nodded, "thank you, Demon Lord Carrion." This was her chance, it would be a fair fight, but fights weren't always fair.

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