Chapter 1

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Another battle won, another individual who didn't quite know how to deal with her power. She was a copy-cat, using the opponents power against them. Yet to meet her match, blood for blood and move for move.

Cyan, a masked majin who could take any moves from her current opponent and use them for herself. It only lasted per battle, but it lasted long enough. The next battle, Cyan had to avoid until her opponent used their ability. Meanwhile, swordsmanship was another specialty of Cyan's.

Always dressed in black pants and a black button up shirt with a black trench coat, Cyan was difficult to miss.

Cyan had faced many different opponents in her years, though she had never met one she couldn't figure out how to beat. However, the greatest opponents of all were Demon Lords. In all of her years, she had never truly faced a Demon Lord. She longed to, but she knew she wouldn't and couldn't quite win that fight.

While copying the skills of opponents was what she specialized in, it didn't quite always work that way. Sometimes, there were skills that Cyan just couldn't quite manage.

As Cyan began to gain traction for her defeat of multiple opponents, rumors of her strength spread like wild fire. The way she 'stole' abilities and skills from her opponents, the word went far and wide.

The sky turned from a soft blue to a pink and orange, the sun was no longer shining brilliantly and began to dim off. "Seems I need to return home," Cyan murmured.

Home, right. It was a rather peaceful place, peaceful enough. Her appearance was normal, she had no aura about her, it was easy to blend in with humans. Not to mention that her family was there to cover her ass.

Cyan adjusted her trench coat as she walked. Tomorrow, she would start towards the Palace of White Ice. If she wanted to face a Demon Lord, she needed to see what she was up against. She needed to meet every Demon Lord, see what their abilities and skills were. While her ultimate skill would only take her so far, she could at least work on a plan.

The Palace of White Ice held one of the oldest and most power Demon Lord, Guy Crimson.

He was a true Demon Lord, but probably not one she would want to face quite yet, there was simpler Demon Lords than him.

However, if she wanted to defeat a Demon Lord, she best learn from the best. Cyan stretched her arms up towards the sky as she walked through the Great Forest of Jura. She was getting close to home, but it was still a ways away.

Soon, darkness would set in and the monsters would come out to play. Cyan finally stopped, looking around the area. There wasn't a sound or a monster, she might as well rest while she could. Cyan glanced around, gathering a few sticks and leaves together. She rubbed two of the sticks together and plopped down as a red and orange flame emerged.

"Take a breather while I can," Cyan murmured. "Ingrassia is still a little ways away.." She sighed, leaning back in the grass.

Her eyes closed for a moment, though in just that moment, Cyan's body became lifted free of all her weight and her body fell back.


Cyan never stopped moving, the opponents never stopped coming. She had been exhausted, it was hard not to be. However, voices echoed in her ears. Two individuals sat around Cyan and she slowly opened her eyes.

Slowly, Cyan sat up, seeing two individuals. Both had a clown mask and Cyan raised an eyebrow. "Who... are you?"

She was still half asleep, the sun had yet to even come up. Cyan rubbed her eyes, her silver eyes stared at the two clowns sitting around her.

"Oh, you're awake! Finally!"

The girl laughed and Cyan rubbed her eyes more. Strange individuals were normal in the forest, but she never expected to quite have company when she was sleeping.

That was a new one.

Cyan rubbed her eyes again, maybe she was dreaming, but it didn't quite feel like a dream. "What do you clowns want?" Cyan hissed.

"Someone's in a bad mood," laughed the other clown.

Being interrupted while she was sleeping, right, who didn't just love to be woken up by two strangers harassing her?

"Well, maybe if two clowns wouldn't have woken me up, I would be in a better mood." Cyan hissed.

There was a moment of silence and both clowns looked at Cyan. "You want power, don't you? That's what you're after. We can give you power."

Cyan collected herself before standing up. "I don't want power from two clowns. Whoever sent you, they can get bent," Cyan said with a hiss. The fire still slowly burned, letting off a small orange flame.

There was no point in arguing with Cyan, yet. Soon, she would want the power that they offered, at least that was what Demon Lord Clayman believed.

For now, they watched her leave.

It made no sense to Cyan, how would they know what she was after? Perhaps it was the rumor of the ability she had and the opponents she had faced and defeated.


Cyan shook her head, there was no point in thinking about it now. For now, she could only return home and prepare to leave for The Palace of White Ice.

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