| Year 3 | Chapter 6: What're friends for, huh?

Start from the beginning

"We already got some from the new profes- sor," Hermione says as Poppy offers them too. Poppy and Minnie look to each other with content faces.

"Finally a decent one again." They seem very pleased.

"You two can go back to the feast now."

"Did you hear something too?" Harry asks when we're definitely alone in the hallway.

"You're not going crazy," I tell him about what I heard. Talking about it makes the flashback even worse, it seems. I better not get plagued with nightmares again.

"God Lu I'm sorry..." I shrug off his apology. "There's nothing to be sorry for, Harry."

"Yes there is. I've been way to busy worrying about the secret and not at all about what you went through that night."

"Well, if it's any help, I also kinda shoved the memory away until now. I was way too pre- occupied with the other part of the problem."

When we get to the Great Hall, we split up: Harry goes to Ron, who's talking to Seamus and Dean and I go over to the girls.

"What did McGonnagal want?" Marley pours me a glass of pumpkin juice as she asks. I roll my eyes and take over. "I can do that myself, I'm totally fine now! Minnie wanted Poppy to check on me and Harry."

"Relax a little Marley," Liliana smirks at the other girl, who scoffs in response. 'Thank Liliana.'

'No problem Lu.'

"That's so scary I swear," Marley looks bet- ween me and Liliana. "It's like you can read each other's minds..."

"We kinda can though," Liliana smirks again, this time to me. And I smirk right back. Marley huffs at us. "I really need other friends."

"You have other frirnds," Ginny reasons. It came out a bit weird, but luckily Marley ignores that by now. Or rather for now.

"Which is because you're good at making friends," Vanessa quickly comes with the rescue, if Marley were to decide to react to Ginny.

Instead, Marley raises her eyebrows. "Says you. You're the embodiment of a social but- terfly." True though.

"Can I have your attention?" Dumbledore stands up and the Great Hall falls into an absolute silence immediately. "Before we start the feast, I would like to make a few announcements."

"First of all, I would like to remind the first years of the rule that the Forbidden Forest is strictly off limits for all students. This also counts as a reminder for some of the older students."

I exchange wicked glances with Liliana, Gin- ny and Vanessa, which earns us a scowl from Marley. For the sake of not interrup- ting the headmaster though, she doesn't say anything.

"Other than that, using magic in the halls is still forbidden, which includes using  a few magical objects. The list can be found in Mr. Filch's office. Now for the more pressing matters. You most likely noticed the Demen- tors on the train journey here. They will be staying around here, because of Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban. I would like to warn you not to cross them. Dementors are among the darkest creatures in existence and they will not hesitate to attack you if you upset them."

Great, they're going to be here until Black is caught. And God knows when that happens.

"Lastly, there's been some changes and addi- tions in staff. First of all, Professor Kettle- burn has retired last year. I am pleased to say our very own Hagrid will be taking this job!"

"No way!" Vanessa gasps in pure surprise. Once we all see it's not actually a joke, we start cheering loudly for our game keeper. Hagrid is one of the few adults that I almost fully trust, right up there with Poppy and Minnie. In other words: Hagrid is amazing.

Lucy Potter: Harry's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now