His lips slightly twitched at his amusing thoughts, but she caught it, and she then grew red in the face with anger. "What's so funny? Got something to say to me?"

His mouth went downwards into a frown again. He was just having a moment of fun and her raspy voice that smelled like cigarettes only ruined it once more. At his shift in expression, she only grew angrier. Her red, sticky lips lifted into a sneer of rage. Immediately, she whipped a gun out of its holster from her belt and pointed it threateningly at his face.

"Go on, why don't you say it then?" She hissed, flicking the gun at him. "Why don't you say what's in that puny brain of yours."

His eyes quickly flickered to the gun. Threat was engaged. Threat was bearing a firearm. Target locked. Defense mode activated. His golden eyes fell back on her, narrowing at her warily. His shoulders raised in anticipation as his arms flexed. He saw her finger brush against the trigger, as her sadistic eyes brightened from his full attention on her. She seemed to revel in the fact that he seemed alert now. And oh, she was going to go for the bite, but too bad he bites back.

Immediately, he threw his full weight at her. His eyes flashing thunderously as ran at her in an abnormally rapid pace. The subordinates at her side didn't even have time to react as he surprisingly slipped past their leader. Her voice raised and eyes widened as she thought he was escaping, only for the little boy to grab one of her men and slide the grown man in front of him. Her finger was already pressed down on the trigger before she could even react, and the bullet hit her lackey right in the head. The man's face paled as blood dripped between his eyes that were already turning glassy.

Suddenly his body was hit by more bullets as the others shot at the boy, only to hit his human shield. The subordinates were in shock as they paused their shooting. The man gasped wetly as his blood sprayed in the air, his body stiffened before becoming limp in the boy's iron grasp, completely dying. The boy smiled wolfishly before advancing on his prey.

He shoved the body at the woman trying to grab him from his right, whilst pulling the hand gun from the deceased man's belt. The woman gasped in shock at the bloody, cooling body of her coworker fell on top of her, making her topple over. The boy stared at the gun for a second, his pale reflection was ghostly on its black, shiny skin. It had four bullets and there were five of them left, his grin widened, this would be fun.


A gunshot rang out and hit the man next to him in the chest, a precise hit in the space between his heart and his lung. He crumbled over, his body hitting the ground, and blood pooled on the grimy cement like paint. Panic ensued as more shots were fired at the little boy. One hit him square in the shoulder. His smile turned sharp and furious as he faced the one who shot him, he lifted his gun as bright blood gushed from his shoulder.


The gun's voice was thunder, and its silver bite hit the other man in the head, the crevice right between his eyebrows. Bullseye. He hit the ground like a cardboard cutout. The woman from before shoved the dead body off of her and advanced on him with blood on her clothes and wild eyes. She was holding a large hunters knife like it was a cross. The leader watched the scene in shock with a pale face, but she broke out of it and roared in anger. She raised her gun and shot him in the torso, but she was aiming for his chest. This child was demonic, possessed, a heartless monster, they probably all thought. He'd love to hear what more they had to say.


He shot the woman advancing upon him right in the throat, the blade still in her hand a mortified look appeared on her face, her mouth gaped like a fish's. But he didn't spare her a glance as she keeled over, her voice gurgling as she gasped pathetically to herself, choking on her own blood. The knife clattered to the floor. He watched as a man tried to run away from the scene, his figure sprinting down the alleyway as far as he could. His eyes were terrified as he left his leader to the hands of the monster hiding in a child's skin.


The boy's gun was raised as he hit the fleeing man right in the spine, his back seized up as he stiffened from the fiery shot, and then slowly fell over. A dull thud echoed throughout the dark alleyway. The boy's eyes glowed, his head slowly turned towards the last one on the plate.

He heard terrified curses behind him as the leader fumbled with her gun with violently trembling hands. She tried to reload it but the bullets clattered against the floor. She wasn't prepared at all for this. None of them were. They were too cocky to even load their guns all the way. His golden eyes landed on her, and her fate was already sealed. He's been saving her for last, as they say, the best is always saved for last, and she will be the sweet final course.

He took slow steps towards her, a blank expression on his face as he dropped the empty gun. It landed on the floor with an uneven crackle. She immediately threw her firearm to the side and lifted her fists in a fit of rage. She cried aggressively as she threw a punch at his delicate face, only for it to meet the cold, hard palm of his hand. The bones of her fingers popped painfully as his grip immediately tightened inhumanly. Her other fist tried to meet his face but he grabbed that one too at lightning speed. Her mouth opened in a silent gasp as he pulled her closer, her knees scraped against the floor as she fell. She was then eye level with him, staring straight into his monstrous, golden optics that didn't belong to any normal human being.

He then smiled kindly at her, sending shivers down her spine at the innocent look on his face. It made her think of all the children she picked off. Maybe this was her karma. All of those stolen children all merged into one awful demon with golden eyes. And she believed wholeheartedly that he was made to punish her for her crimes. He leaned in to whisper into her ear. "...once upon a time, there was a little girl who met a big bad wolf who wanted to eat her, so he tricked her..."

She stared at him in shocked confusion, her eyes were paling more and more as a bead of sweat dripped from the side of her forehead. His grin was horrific as his cold breath puffed on her neck. He could smell her fear, and he never felt more alive. He leaned in more, his grip on her hands tightening. "...Do you remember what happened to the big bad wolf in the end?"

Her terrified eyes widened. His smile glistened, a bead of drool dripped onto her shoulder codly. The big bad wolf dies in the end. And in some instances, Little Red eats him. Devours him and his flesh after she cooked him into soup, the wolf still alive and begging for mercy.

Immediately, the boy's teeth sunk into the flesh of her neck with an awful squelching sound. She screamed. Her murky eyes gaped open, tearing up a she felt an agony that was like no other. Her flesh tore as he pushed her down, her blood painting his lips a garish red. His teeth dug into the fragile muscle and tendons of her throat as he practically punctured her windpipe with a bite that dug to the bone. A bite that can rival that of the Big Bad Wolf's.

He let her go as he tore off the last bits and pieces of her neck. She slumped against the floor, her body twitching and convulsing with the last sparks of life. Blood and bits of flesh covered his face and body. Some of it was his own from his deep and ghastly wounds, and the majority of it from the others. He swallowed the bitter flesh and blood in his mouth and grimaced. She tasted as vile as she was when alive. Her blood was tainted with alcohol and cigarette smoke. Disgusting pig, that one was.

He slowly lifted himself off of her already cooling body. He barely even spared the multiple dead humans around him a glance. They all had blood pooling off of them, and the flies and bugs already began to infest them. He shoved the dead woman who wielded the knife out of the way with his foot, his reflection bored and apathetic on the dull surface of the discarded blade. He stepped over the man who tried to flee earlier nonchalantly, his spine had a deep hole in it. The bodies all had blank stares on the grimy brick wall and up to the colorless sky. Golden eyes dimmed as he watched one foot step over the other blearily.

His bright, faux blood left a trail as he limped out of the alleyway. He walked through the dark streets, but he was growing slower and slower. His blood was dripping rapidly from the several deep gashes and punctures on his body. He was dying. At least he had his last laugh by getting rid of some of the muck on this earth. He was doing humanity a favor, despite none of the kindness they showed him.

He chuckled dryly to himself before his body slowly slumped and then toppled over. It landed on the grimy street with a soft sound as all his functions seemed to fail. His vision blurred and his ears rang.  At least... he could have... his last laugh...

Sorry not Monty chapter yet, still needed to add a little more lore to GE Gregory and his utterly menacing personality. 👹

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