───※ ·20· ※───

Start from the beginning

"Sorry," I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head. "I wasn't paying attention."

"That's the problem," Damian sighed. "To get somewhere, you need to pay attention."

I lowered my head in shame, which made Damian let out yet another sigh. "I don't think you're dull like the rest of the class claims, Nsikan. You pay attention to things that interest you or things you gain something from at the end of the day and to you, school ain't it."

I began to reason his words. Why was it so hard to pay attention? Why does my mind become active only when I do school stuff?

"What am I supposed to do?" I questioned next. I didn't want to be a burden to him.

"We play a game," Damian revealed and I blinked.

"A game?" I parroted.

"Pass all subjects during the mock exam and I'll grant you any wish." I bit my lower lips.

"And if I fail?" I pressed on.

"That's enough punishment," Damian shrugged. "Plus, we'll become strangers and you'll be on your own during main exams."

"That's cruel!" I exclaimed, unknowingly slapping his thigh in the process. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry-"

"Sir," That voice and the sound of Damian's room door opening, stopped me. I turned my head to see it was Chisom, and she had a look of shock on her face. "Your mother just came back and s-slumped in her room.

"What?!" Damian sprinted from his head and was already rushing to the door. I got up too, ready to leave the room and chase after Damian to go help him with his mum, but Chisom quickly blocked my path.

"What are you doing?" I asked, breathing hard in my confused state.

Chisom placed her hands on her waist and stared at me with a frown. "Where do you think you're going?"

"But Damian-" I asked, pointing at the door before Chisom slapped my fingers away.

"Damian what?" Chisom hissed. "He needs to be with his mother and not with you so leave him alone!"

"Why are you yelling at me?" I took a step back. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"No," Chisom tilted her head to the side. "But you wanted to put your business in things that aren't related to you."

"Damian is my friend!" It wasn't my intention to raise my voice, but this girl wasn't helping. "I need to make sure that he's alright. That his mum is alright."

"Last time I checked, they didn't hire you." Chisom released her folded hands and moved to the door. "I'm the maid, I'll check on them."

With that, she banged the door shut and I was left alone in the quiet room. I reached for my phone ready to call Stella but stopped when I realized she had late shoots today. I switched Lane and thought it best to call Chuks. I just needed to speak with someone.

"Hello, Chuks?" I asked once he'd answered the call.

"Love, what's up?" Chuks greeted on the phone before saying in a sing-song manner. "How're tutorials going?"

"Not so great," I confessed. "Damian's mother fainted and now I feel like crying 'cause I don't know what's happening."

"His mother what?!" Chuks yelled on the phone. "What are you doing calling me? Go help him out or something."

"I tried, but that Chisom maid doesn't want me to!" I equally yelled out of frustration. "She probably has a crush on him."

"Does that matter?" Chuks asked, annoyed by the whole thing. "This is some serious issue and the word crush should be kept aside."

" I..." I dragged. "I don't think it's that serious. If it was, Chisom would've let me."

"A whole human fainted, Nsikan." Chuks deadpanned.

"I just," I scratched my head, feeling frustrated. "I'm just going to wait for Damian."

There was a long pause on Chuks' end before he finally spoke. "Just keep me updated. If it's to go find where Muller and Thompson live just to take them there, I will."

"Okay," I said and nodded at the same time, before ending the call. I took a long deep breath and sat straight at the edge of the bed, while nervously waiting for Damian to get back.

Several minutes passed and I couldn't hold it in.

"I can't sit still," I got up after making up my mind. I shook my head to gather all the courage I could muster, then rushed over to the door to open it.

"Damian," I almost bumped into him after opening the door. He was looking down at his feet at first, then finally looked up. Seeing his eyes alone I could see the tiredness he was feeling.


"Can we postpone this?" I knew what 'this' meant and to me, that wasn't an issue.

"Is everything alright?" I looked at him even more closely.

"Can we postpone this?" He asked firmly this time and I gulped.

"S-sure," My eyes wavered. I wasn't sure what was happening and it seemed he doesn't want to talk about it either. I didn't want to make matters worse so I began moving toward his bed to get my stuff.

"Nsikan," Damian's voice stopped me. I turned and inhaled the air because of how close he was. Damian's calculating gaze searches mine as if looking for something specific. "I can't do this now because I need to take care of my mum."

"You don't have to explain," I muttered, his eyes not leaving mine. "You're my tutor and I'm the student. It's natural for me to bend my schedule to fit in with yours."

I finally packed my stuff into my backpack and proceeded to hang it on both shoulders, before walking passed him.

"At least let me drop you off," Damian breathed out, taking hold of my upper right arm. I quickly turned and let out the brightest of smiles to put him at ease.

"I'm fine," I said in between smiles. "You're needed here, I'll call in an Uber."

Damian nodded at that, then for the first time, he felt hesitant. "See you in school."

"Yeah," I smiled genuinely this time, before heading out. This wasn't how I pictured my study date to look, but I couldn't blame anybody for that. I just hope Damian's mum was alright.

───※ ·❆· ※───

That's that for today. Update is on Friday. Not every Friday though. So if I don't update on a Friday, expect the update to come the following Friday.

Check out Choco_lateefah book, PEOPLE LIKE US. Love y'all ❤

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