Chapter Seven: A Clash of Blades and Ideals

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Like the previous chapter, this one was also cut a bit short. However, it still covers a couple of critical things that legit made me very angry when I first watched the second episode of this series. (It is rare for me to get so pissed at a show, but damn if this wasn't one of them.)

I'll go into more detail in the commentary section to avoid spoilers.

For now, enjoy the brand new chapter!


In Another World With My Smartphone: The Lost Hero

Chapter Seven: A Clash of Blades and Ideals


"Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash."

-Louis Aragon


'Not much farther now,' Alex observed the remaining distance from their first destination on his phone as he continued to tear into their remaining food supplies. It took a good hour of experimentation with Alex's new modeling spell before he could repair the cart to be as good as new. The problem now was that they were in a race against time to stop a possible kidnapping of a high-profile daughter of a nobleman.

'Damn...I'm still hungry,' Alex thought as he reached back into their food sack and found nothing but hardtack crumbs and salt. He had used a lot of mana to fix every joint that had been sabotaged by the thugs in Amanesque town, which left him nearly running on empty. 'I think I've actually started to lose weight...and not the healthy way either...'

"We're coming in close to the Southern Forest!" Elze called out as she pointed at the incoming perimeter of a vast mass of dark wood trees. "Most places that would be good for an ambush would be somewhere close to the entrance while still being deep enough to yourself hide well!"

"Just like the Horn wolves did in our first mission!" Linze commented as she leaned forward to get a better look.

"Do you think we'll make it in time, Alex?" Yae questioned with a concerned expression as she began fitting her swords into her clothes.

"I hope so," Alex answered with a determined expression as he grabbed his steelwood staff. "The repairs took longer than expected since I wasn't sure how the spell worked right away."

"Still, it was quite impressive!" Yae reassured the young man with a wide smile. "Better an hour than still being struck there!"

"Yeah..." Alex sighed with a sad smile. He appreciated what Yae was trying to do, yet, he couldn't help but feel guilty about their setback. In their rush to be one step ahead of their foes, they still managed to get the drop on them. Even if it took a whole day for their plan to partially work.

"Even if we're too late, we still have our other plan to raid the hideout of those foul scoundrels back in Amanesque," Yae reminded Alex of his backup plan. "We will see justice done!"

"Yeah, you're right," the young man nodded in agreement as he looked back at the road. "If that's the case, we'll look for clues to see which family the child belongs to. Then we could petition them to curb the corrupt guards of Amanesque."

"Speaking of clues, Alex," said Linze as she turned to face the lone male as the cart entered the forest. "Could you try using Long Sense? If the ambush happened to be off-road. You'll still be able to direct us."

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