Chapter Two: Knowledge from Two Worlds

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Fair warning.

This chapter's notes will contain some critical spoilers for the canon storyline of In Another World With My Smartphone.

This is to help explain some changes in context to this chapter and a few other details on my plans to completely change the plot and objective endgame for this storyline.

(Because the canon storyline is honestly so...shit.)

I will split the notes from the general notes versus those containing spoilers. I'm glad that the handful of readers for this tiny fandom seemed to enjoy what I've written so far. I am having quite a bit of fun writing it as it makes for a refreshing pace change from The Untold Universe.


In Another World With My Smartphone: The Lost Hero

Chapter Two: Knowledge from Two Worlds


"Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom."

Charles Spurgeon


Elze awoke a few hours after dawn. Only to find her ever diligent younger sister, Linze, was already awake, studying one of her many tomes. With the rays of the early morning sun peering through the window, Elze rose up with a long yawn. Her thoughts returned towards not only their hopefully first day as official members of the Adventurer's Guild but towards the strange young man who helped them yesterday.

"I'll never get how you can wake up so early, Linze," Elze commented as she stretched her limbs. "Getting out of bed after such a good night's sleep should be a crime."

"The early bird gets the worm," Linze answered with a slight rhyme. "Besides, I was curious about something Alex said yesterday that's been on my mind."

"What's that?" Elze questioned, while she did find the stranger...well, strange. He didn't seem too off from the typical foreigner who was out of their element.

"He mentioned being illiterate in Common," Linze replied as she flipped through the pages of her tome, which Elze could now see was about different samples of known languages from around the world. "But he mentioned knowing this English language, but I can't seem to find any mention of it."

"Sis, I know that I'm not a bookworm like you," Elze followed up as she began making her bed. "But maybe English is some kind of rare dialect of Common? He does have a bit of an accent...I mean, Rifree has like how many dialects?"

"Too many to list," Linze answered with a nod as she closed the book and admitted that her sister had a point. Rifree was the primary language of the Refreese Imperium. Still, it was also the father of several sister tongues and dialects. It couldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that this English could have just been a variation of Common. "I suppose I could just ask him later once we get to know him better."

Elze hummed as she finished making her bed and began getting dressed for the day.

"Yep, don't stress about it too much! Now come on, let's go get breakfast!"

The twins made their exit and went next door to Alex's room and knocked on it gently.


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