Nini seems to have also noticed me, since she now smiles. She waves a bit at me and I have to chuckle. I wouldn't have thought she would be here. Yet she is. And it makes me happy in a way I can't describe.

Next to her are two girls I recognize. Sofia, who is definitely overdressed for this game. Although she might have tried to look sporty with the pants and the blouse, one can't look past the way her clothes scream money. Or the sunglasses on the top of her head. The other girl is the one who always wears headphones on, Dia. She's dressed more normal, with a sweater and a short black skirt. No matter how pretty the other two girls are, my eyes wonder off to Nini again. Who is the most beautiful one.

I stare her sweater again, wanting it off. It doesn't feel right for her to wear a normal plain blue sweater, whereas everyone here has a "WRENCORE HOCKEY" hoodie. And she's the one I actually want to see in that hoodie.

So, I go back to my bag and take my extra hoodie out from there. It is the one with my name and the number 12. My number. Then, I quickly turn to James and tell him: "I'll be right back." He nods smirking and makes his way to his bag, for his water bottle.

I can't get up since there's a big wall separating the ice from where the seats begin; in case the puck might fly off, so that it doesn't hit the guests. So, I take out my phone and quickly text Nini.

ME: Come down.

I watch as she feels the phone vibrate in her pocket, how she takes it out and how she throws me a stare as soon as she read it. I nod, which makes her smirk and do what I asked her to. She comes down the staircase til she's so close, I can hold her hand underneath the railing if I lift myself up on my toes. After I take her hand and curl our fingers, I just stare at her. There were a thousand thoughts in my head about what I could say, yet I just freeze. And all that I say is:

"You came".

"Of course", she answers whispering. "It's a big day for you. I wanted you to know I'm here for you."

I swallow hard, then, as I process her words, I lift myself higher and pull her a bit down so that I can get to her lips through the metal bars. She laughs softly and kisses me more, still holding our hands together. It's the moment I hear the speaker's voice announcing that the game will begin again soon that I put some distance between us. However, not too much distance. I am still holding her close.

"This is for you", I say, handing her the hoodie between the bars. She looks at it surprised, not knowing whether she should take it or not.

"But it's yours", she whispers.

"I know."

"But I am already wearing your team's color."

"But not my name."

"You could give me the hoodie of someone who doesn't need it later. You need it later. You can't go back home shirtless."

"I'd rather go back home naked than having to see any other name on your back."

She swallows hard at my reply. Then asks: "Why?"

"Because you're mine, Broadway."

She blinks a few times at what I said. It's only then that I realize what I just said. And I really hope I haven't scared her or anything, but it is the truth. She is mine. She just didn't know it.

It takes a few seconds before she reacts again. She smirks and takes off her hoodie, remaining in a very short kind of white top for a few seconds. A few seconds, that were enough for me to see her waist and the shape of her body. And for a moment, I found myself regretting that I ever gave her that hoodie. I would like to stare at her forever. Nevertheless, the moment she has the hoodie on, my heart skips a beat. She turns around for a second to make sure her ponytail stays straight and that's when I see it. My name. On her back. My number. On her back. And it seems like that's the place they have always belonged to. Her. She wears my name like she owns it. Like it was always meant to be hers too. Seeing my name there is the dirtiest thing I have ever seen. And it isn't at all dirty. It's just a hoodie. On a girl. But it means more to me than anything. As she turns back to me, I'm frozen. Like I'm literally speechless.

"Everything okay?" she asks me, a bit worried. She makes her hands on the fabric, wanting to give the hoodie off, probably thinking that's the reason I froze. It is. But not because of what she might be thinking of.

"No, keep it", I say, stopping her.

"But it's your hoodie. And it has your name on it."

"It was only ever yours too to begin with."

She smiles, yet as she realizes what I've said, her cheeks turn red. The voice in the speakers announces that the game will begin again. I can also hear Coach Banks calling after me.

"That's my cue", I say, pulling her closer one more time to give her a kiss. "Meet me after the game?"

"Sure", she says. Then adds: "Break a leg."

"I've told you that's only used in theater", I reply chuckling, since she's said that to me before and I corrected her just like now.

"I know. My bad", she answers smirking. I can't hold back a laughter. And after kissing her again, I return to my team, feeling more motivated than ever to win.

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