Ch. 20

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"He has a what?" Aliyah yells, her face bright red with anger. Imani takes me into a hug as I kept sobbing. 

"A daughter," I cry out again, my heart breaking over and over again. 


"I'm pretty sure you know how kids are conceived Aliyah," Jasmine says rolling her eyes, giving me comforting pats on the shoulder. 

"I mean," Aliyah emphasizes rolling her eyes. "How in the hell did we not know? We did a pretty big deep dive when Psyche told us they were dating." 

"You guys stalked h-him." I let out, smiling a little. Of course my friends stalked my boyfriend behind my back. 

"If he managed to keep her away from the media, maybe he as a good reason." 

"That's not the point Imani, they've been dating for three months, Psyche should have known he has a daughter." Aliyah says, expressing the anger for me, while Imani was the voice of logic. 

"How did you find out?" Jasmine, she was still trying to make sense of the issue. 

"Her mom dropped her off today, and I woke up with her jumping on the bed," 

"How old is she?" Aliyah asks raising a brow. 

"I don't know, she seems to be around 3 or 4." 

"Did you see the baby momma?' 

"I saw them arguing in the kitchen." 

"What kind of arguing?" Aliyah press. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Was it arguing with tension, like they were going to have toxic angry sex or was it just normal arguing." 

"Nigga, what the fuck are you on about." Jasmine says to Aliyah who sends me an apological smile. 

"T-they seem to be arguing normally," I answer. When I saw them arguing, I didn't get any vibe that they could get back together, but what if I was wrong? 

"Is the baby momma white?" Jasmine asks. 

"Now why does that matter?" Imani asks shaking her head disappointingly, Jasmine shrugs, Aliyah looks at me intensely waiting for the answer. 

"She's black." 

"Oh damn he got a time," Aliyah says. "This means you can be that kid step momma without anyone questioning then." 

"ALIYAH," Jasmine and Imani yell at her, she shrinks back and apologize. 

I laugh, she had no type of filter. 

"Are you going to let him explain?" Imani asks, I shrug. 

"I think you should," Aliyah says. 

Jasmine nods, "He might have a good reason." 

"If he doesn't, dump him and move to the next one." Imani says, making us laugh. 

"You know you can get a roster with a snap of a finger." 

"Damn right," Aliyah yells. 

"Thank you girls," I say giving them each a big hug. "Now I got to get ready for work." 

"Damn, even after a heartbreak you're ready for work, I would've called in sick." 

I roll my eyes at Aliyah's word while the other girls hum in agreement. 


"GET OUT!" I yell pushing him out of the office, not caring about the looks I was receiving. I slam the door and slide down trying to control my emotions.

I tried to be reasonable, but my emotions got the best of me. Why wasn't he just hones with me, why hide this huge ass secret from me. Not just any secret but a whole ass child. 

The rest of the day goes by like a blur, everyone was walking on eggshells around me but it didn't matter. I just wanted to go home. I fell into a routine, work, home, sleep, repeat. Days passed and it was the same routine, no call for Adonis, he didn't even try to contact me again. 

But then again, I did kick him out. 

Days turn into a week and now it's been officially two weeks since we saw each other. Not seeing him was my personal hell, I miss his hugs, his smile, his scent. 

Today was fundraiser to spread awareness of suicide cases, a fundraiser that V.O.X. and Wonders planned. This means he'll be here tonight. 

"I wish we could be here tonight." Imani says, the girls nod in agreement. 

We were facetiming as I got ready to go to the event, they all had different thing to do for work that overlapped with the fundraiser. 

"You look hot," Jasmine compliments with a low whistle. "When he sees you, he's gonna regret ever crossing you." 

He won't be the only one filled with regret. 

"He'll drop on his knees and beg for forgiveness."

I laugh at Imani's word, always the optimist. 

"Okay y'all my ride is here," I say putting a final coat of lipstick, grabbing my purse and phone. 

"Keep us updated and have fun." 

I blow them a kiss and hang up, rushing to the uber outside. I planned on drinking tonight and thought it wise to not drive. 

The drive their was nerve wracking, my palm were sweating and it felt as if my heart was going to jump out of my chest. Each step I take inside, the more my heart was beating. I could barely focus on who was talking to me. 

We finally arrive at the location, journalists were outside and people where taking pictures on the turquoise carpet. Not seeing him there, I take a deep breath and make my way out, walking on the carpet with a big fake smile. 

I stopped in front of the board, taking pictures to people who were calling me. Relief washing over me the longer I don't see him. 

Maybe he didn't attend. 


I internally cringe, guess I spoke to soon. I refuse to look towards him, instead I focus on the photographers pausing for the picture. I was doing a good job avoiding him until one suggested he stood next to me for pictures. 

It took my hardest to not glare at him, I give a fake smile and look straight ahead, refusing to look at his face. The moment he stood next to me, his scent engulf my whole body, dragging me towards him. My body feels on fire when he puts his hand on my waist and pull me closer. 

I pose for pictures, allowing him to stay close for the pictures. Yes, just for the pictures. I feel his gaze burning holes on me but I refuse to  look at him. After photos we walk to the entrance, the moment we were away from cameras, I pull away from him, picking a champaign glass and try to walk away as fast as I could. 

Unfortunately for me, he also had long legs and he manage to catch on to me. He took my hand and ushered me to a room, all I could do is follow him. I couldn't cause a scene now could I? 

"Please look at me," His voice cracked, he sounded tired. I said nothing, I kept looking at the floor, refusing to look at him because I know the minute I do, I will break down and forgive him. 

He turns on the light in the room, we were in a storage closet. I hear him move around me, and suddenly without any warning, he dropped in front of me. He was on his knees in front of me, forcing me to look at him. 

My heart throbbed at the scene, the eyebags in his eyes were so obvious it was obvious these past two weeks have been hell for him too. He looked on the verge of tears. 

"Explain everything," 

I spoke without thinking, my eyes not leaving his as he stayed on his knees looking up at me. 

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