chapter two: the winning girl

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  If one could describe (Name) in one word, it would be insane. She was currently gambling with ¥10,000,000 in a single match against Kageyama. No ordinary person would willingly bet that much money in a single game; it was absurd. There was a slim chance that she would win because Kageyama had gained her one hundred and sixteen chips from earlier, and yet, (Name) was willing to throw away her money just to play another match.

  Kageyama laughed, his voice shaking as he stood to his feet. "I won't follow you into something so freaking stupid. There's no way I would be willing to do that; just make sure you pay me back," he said.

  (Name) poked out her bottom lip, playfully pouting. "Aw, you don't want to play anymore? That's too bad, and here I thought we were having so much fun together, Kageyama-san," she cooed, propping her elbows on the table. Her enchanting eyes eyed Kageyama as her lips curled into a taunting smile. "Ooooh, don't tell me you've lost your nerve?" she teased.

  Kageyama flinched at her words, a sudden rage washing over him. How dare this stupid commoner make a damned fool out of him; no one would make a fool out of the king. His hands curled into a fist as he quickly sat back in his seat, narrowing his eyes. "If you're gonna put it like that, then I'll accept your challenge," he grunted, signaling that the match would soon begin.

  This declaration caused a commotion among the spectators, debating who would win the pot after this game. The cards were deposited into the voting box, Kageyama fixating his gaze on (Name), watching as she examined herself in her pocket-sized mirror.

  The gambling girl giggled, looking up at Kageyama with a pleasing look. "Gamblings are so much fun when there are big risks involved. Anything would just be boring and a waste of my time, wouldn't you agree?" she asked.

  "Uh, I guess," he grumbled, drawing from the box, and (Name) followed suit.

  They sat silently, reviewing their cards before Kageyama spoke up. "It can't take you that long; we only have three cards to choose from," Kageyama stated, crossing his legs.

  (Name) lifter her head, smiling. "Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Oh, don't play innocent with me, Kageyama-san; everyone in this class is working for you, aren't they?" (Name) taunted, laying her cards on the table. She cradled her chin, tilting her head to the side. "How many people are working for you? At first, I would have assumed everyone in the class would be working with you, but the voting says otherwise. So, I'm guessing ten people? Maybe twenty to make doubly sure you would win?"

  Kageyama clenched his teeth, narrowing his eyes. "How dare you accuse me of cheating!? What kind of proof do you even have!?" he barked.

  "Please, you weren't the best at hiding it, Kageyama-san. In both rounds, when you won ¥500,000, you played the same card. You carelessly chose a card to play whenever we bet ¥20,000-a rather small sum when playing this insane game; it only be natural that I would suspect you're cheating," she giggled, curling a strand of hair around her index finger. (Name) leaned across the table, stroking Kageyama's chin with the pad of her thumb. "Unless you're prepared to spill some blood, you won't ever fool anyone with shitty tactics like those," she happily declared.

  Kageyama jerked his head away, scowling, "Are you done with all the shit-talking? If you're trying to get me to end this game in a stalemate, you are sadly mistaken-"

  "Oh, heavens, no! I wouldn't dream of it!" (Name) quickly interrupted, her lips quirking into an insane smile. "I wouldn't do anything so tasteless, especially since the game will get far more interesting from here."

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