chapter one: the girl who is new

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Karasuno Private Academy, approaching the 122nd anniversary of its construction, is known for its tradition and social status. Of the children of many influential business people and politicians enrolled here in this academy, only some value academic achievements or athletic prowess.

After all, those sorts of things aren't crucial to students like these, who will likely be able to "use people" to do those things for them in the future.

They believe that you need strategy and the ability to read people or recognize a critical moment in a game.

In other words: how good they are at gambling is what the academy teaches.

"Ha! Read them and weep, losers: I've got a straight," Kageyama declared, exposing his hand for everyone at the table to see, some of the participants either groaning or tossing their own hands into the table, devastated by the massive loss and the shitty hand they were, unfortunately, dealt.

"Yeesh, it looks like you win once again, Kageyama-san."

"Just as awesome as ever," a brunette girl stated, tossing her cards in the center of the table.

The gambling den was boisterous, with matches ending with the victors roaring as the loser groaned in defeat. These were classic after-school matches; the school was made for gambling purposes.

Kageyama glanced around before sighing, propping his chin on his fist. "Oi Fido, I'm hungry. Go fetch me some melon bread and tea like the good little doggy you are," he commanded, looking over his shoulder.

"U-Understood," Hinata begrudgingly stated, shuffling out of the gambling den while the others howled with laughter, a few students tripping the short ginger-haired male, mocking him when he crashed into the wall. It's not like he could fight back; even if he did, Hinata would just get his ass kicked by one of Kageyama's friends again.

Before he could make it to the vending machine, a third-year slammed the younger boy into the wall, holding Hinata in place while two other students fished in his pockets, followed by a vicious punch to the face. "Hey, Hinata-oh, I shouldn't call you that now, should I?" The third-year chuckled, calling off his goons. " Since you're not a person anymore, lend me some cash. I promise to pay you back when you're a normal person again, Fido," the third-year snickered.

"I-I don't have any cash on me right now, Takahashi-senpai," Hinata mumbled, massaging his cherry-red cheek.

"You've got to be kidding me," Takahashi mumbled, snatching the wallet from his short friend, disappointed to find it empty. He clicked his tongue, tossing the wallet in Hinata's face. "Tch, you don't even have a fucking ¥10,000 bill here. I guess I was expecting too much from this pathetic Fido here." Takahashi swiftly kneed Hinata in the stomach, satisfied when the younger boy crumbled to his knees, clutching his stomach.

Takahashi's friends snickered, trailing after the taller third-year. "So, what are we gonna do now?"

"I guess I'll go cool my head with some roulette," was the third-year's answer, leading his followers to the gambling dens.

Hinata winced in pain, pulled himself off the floor, and hobbled down the hall to the vending machine. Being a house pet was the worst; you were treated like dirt by those still considered humans.

A caste system was in place; the student council controlled the academy. Though the council members mainly consisted of first and second-years, they held tremendous power over the other students and collected money from the students.

Supposedly, paying the council is voluntary, but the truth is that they force students to pay each month-a total of ¥100,000 was the bare minimum, and that's not the worst part. The payments are determined via a ranking system; in this payment system, out of the three thousand students attending, if you manage to sink to rank one hundred or lower, you are labeled as a "student with uncooperative tendencies."

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