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The morning light entered through the bedroom window, rays of light caressed his skin as if they were light kisses. He narrowed his eyes at the change in brightness as he shifted between the sheets with no intention of getting up. However, the memories of the night before came like his first thought of the day, drawing a small smile from Niki.


Sunoo walked next to him and they were holding hands, walking through the illuminated streets of the city to go home. Niki told him about the support group, his thoughts, the next step he should take, and the black-haired listened carefully, answering only when the brown-haired man asked for an opinion. Sunoo sometimes looked at Niki out of the corner of his eye, unable to believe what was happening between them and fearing that such a beautiful moment was just a product of his imagination.

"Sunoo...are you alright?" the taller one questioned with concern.

The black-haired man nodded and squeezed Niki's hand just to make sure that what was happening was real. That the boy he saved a few weeks ago was the same one who was now at his side, increasingly alive.

"Niki, I want to ask you a question," he said suddenly, with a fearful voice.

''What is it about?''

"You know that if you need me, I'll run to you, but...if I need you, would you come for me?"

It was a simple question, but the chestnut's head was filled with thoughts, scattered like stars in the dark mantle of night. He knew the answer, but for some reason he was afraid to say it out loud, perhaps for fear of confessing to the black-haired man that he cared about him or in the worst case, because he wasn't sure of his own answer. However, when he looked up and met the anguished face of the smaller one, the fear disappeared and he was replaced by courage.

"I would go anywhere for you, Sunoo," he confessed without a trace of doubt in his voice.

"Even though I'm afraid my broken pieces are going to break your beautiful heart." However, those words he could not say out loud. No matter how guilty he felt at that moment when he saw the black-haired man's face full of joy.

-End of Flashback-

The alarm blared loudly, resounding throughout the room.

Niki snorted, he still didn't want to get ready to go to school but he also didn't want to risk failing a subject due to absences, so he had no choice but to use all his willpower to get up.

He knew that that day he would have to take the most important and difficult step in his "recovery" process: Talk to his mother and friends about what was happening.

He sighed heavily just imagining the reactions or words they would say to him, but he couldn't back down because perhaps if he waited any longer he would regret it and never dare to take that step. Although Sunoo had told him to take it easy, Niki himself preferred to do things fast.

"I just hope everything goes well." he whispered to himself.

He walked to the bathroom to shower, seeing his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he realized that his hair was very damaged, which for the first time in a long time caused him discomfort.

"I have to do something to fix it." he thought to herself, as he closed the door to take a shower.

Niki felt that he didn't know himself well enough to know whatshe really wanted. Maybe a change of look could help him... or at least he could amuse him a little.


Jungwon moved the pages of his book listlessly, even though he didn't even really intend to read. He was sitting on one of the benches in the school yard since it was still too early for classes to start.

Time (Sunki)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora