Chapter 28

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Ava's POV

Thank God Ethan was okay, at first when I didn't find him at his place I got scared, I mean dad just basically threw him out of the house.

I didn't think Dad could do that but then again from the stories we heard from Uncle Tony about dad's anger, it's very likely he would do it.

I was trying to clean up his busted lip and he kept wincing because I can tell it hurt.

"Damn bro, I still can't believe your dad did this" Tristan said looking at Ethan's lip.

Ethan just shrugged his shoulders "He's just protecting his daughter I guess" he said and Tristan nodded

"I mean I'm like all those boys that go to their girlfriend's parents house for the first time and the dad goes all hulk on them" he said and Tristan burst out laughing.

"I know right, but your dad didn't just go hulk on you, he went full on Odin" and they both started laughing and Tristan tried to mimick dad and Odin "I hereby banish you from this place, should you be worthy you should have the heart of my daughter" and that just cracks them up more and they both start laughing uncontrollably.

I rolled my eyes at both of them "it's not funny you two" I said and they just kept laughing.

I hit Ethan's shoulder and glared at him and he just pulled me close to him "okay baby I'm sorry" he muttered.

I had already finished cleaning his wound

"You shouldn't laugh about stuff like this" I muttered out

"Baby it's nothing serious okay, dad's just mad, he'll come around" he said and Tristan nodded.

"Of course he'll come around, you can ask my dad to go with you and talk to him" he suggested.

"How are you sure he'll listen? At the end of the day they're still brothers you know" I said looking at Tristan.

"Of course but my dad's the cool headed one, he listens unlike your Odin dad" he said and burst out laughing with Ethan again.

"Cheer up baby, it's not the end of the world" Ethan said facing me while I'm standing in between his open legs "and besides we haven't even talked about this" he put his hands on my stomach.

"I know E, I'm just really worried" I muttered and he kissed me

"Don't be baby, we'll be okay" he said before kissing me again his hands sqeezing gently on my waist.

"I didn't say I wanted to see you two screw each other you know" Tristan's voice snapped us both and I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"How about we go home and then we'll talk huh"? Ethan whispered and I just nodded and he stood up.

"And by the way Tris, you're an ass" he said and Tristan just chuckled.

"Whatever E, take your horny asses outta my house" he told us and Ethan just gave him the middle finger before we both walked out.

We came in different cars so he left first and I followed right behind him, we didn't go to my apartment because there's a chance Dad might be there or come there and the last thing I want is to have dad do anything to Ethan right now.

We got to his house and he took off his suit jacket the moment we walked in and flung it on the couch.

I hugged him from behind and he breath out and turned to face me, he wrapped his hands around my body and rested his chin on my head.

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