Chapter 11

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Ava's POV

I'm not gonna lie since yesterday after I did what I did, I had been on edge and not at peace.

Tristan was right, Ethan was pissed, he didn't even ask if I did it because he already knew I did and the way he talked to me today was proof that I was in big trouble.

It was funny when I did it yesterday but now, not so much.
Now I was looking over my shoulders, he came out back and made me fall into the pool.

Now I'm completely soaked but I couldn't help but think about how he spoke, especially when he whispered into my ears, I'm not gonna lie asides the fact that I was drenched, my panties was soaking wet with arousal.

I went inside the house and into my room to change but I had to use the shower first, thank God my phone was not with me when I fell into the pool.

There's no way Ethan would let me off the hook that easy, he was gonna strike and he was going to strike hard

I'd watch my back carefully and be sure not to slip into his trap, when I entered the house he wasn't there and so was his car keys, he had left the house.

At first when he came at me in the pool, I thought he'd do something spontaneous or dangerous to me because he was right, we were both home alone and this was a perfect time to do whatever he wanted to do to me and no one would know.

I took a warm shower and changed my clothes leaving the wet ones in the laundry.
He hadn't done his own yet because I'm sure me falling into the pool was just a bonus to him.

I was in deep shit and I knew it.


"Are you okay sweet cheeks"? Tristan asked immediately I entered his house, yes I was looking stressed, I barely slept, I even stopped going to mom and dad's place just to avoid Ethan.

I was pacing in his living room, he was shirtless and had a sweatpant on, Tristan had a tattoo on one side of his chest, it ran all the way to his back and the side of his neck.

"I'm not okay Tris" I breath out.

"Hey chill, sit down before you hurt yourself, what's wrong"? He asked sitting with me

"It's Ethan" I voiced out and he scrunched up his brows

"What did he do"? He asked

"Nothing, Tris he hasn't done anything and that's what's scaring me, ever since that flashdrive thing, he has just been quiet" I told him

"Okayyyy isn't that a good thing"? He asked obviously confused

I shook my head frantically "ooh no, with Ethan it is a very very bad thing Tris, his sudden quietness scares the crap outta me" I told him

"Relax sweet cheeks, it's been what? two weeks already and if he didn't do anything then he'd probably not do anything" he said putting his hands on my legs

"That's what he wants, he wants me to forget about it then he'd strike" I explained but Tristan just started laughing.

"Ava you sound crazy right now, come on don't hurt yourself before Ethan even has a chance to strike, he's not going to do anything" he says trying to reassure me.

"The way he looks at me tells me differently Tris, I'm fucking scared" I told him and he just laughed again.

"Ava, he's not gonna do anything to you, he's probably just trying to scare you, jeez both of you are supposed to be brother and sister but y'all act like rivals" he said still laughing.

"Tell Ethan that and watch him cut your head off for calling me his sister" I said relaxing on the couch

"You want a drink"? He asks walking towards his bar and I just shook my head "you sure you don't need it"? He pressed again and I just rolled my eyes at him.

I was still not satisfied tho, I know Ethan more than anyone, if there's one thing our little fight has given me is enough to know that Ethan doesn't give up, he never gives up, especially not to me.

I know he was gonna strike but the when and how is what I don't know and that was what is putting me on edge.

Even the way he had been looking at me was enough proof that I'm really in for a rollercoaster ride, ever since the pool incident, he hasn't said or done anything to me but I was never comfortable around him.

Even at work, he acts as if everything is fine but I know it's not fine and it's only a matter of time before he struck.

I could barely even fall asleep without having nightmares of Ethan probably stabbing me or embarrassing me in front of a whole bunch of people.

Mom has been asking why I haven't been coming over, I just lied that I had a lot of work to take care of.

I remember the time I mistakenly poured my lunch on him because I wasn't looking at where I was going, he was embarrassed that day because it was in the cafeteria and a lot of students were there.

That whole week I waited for him to retaliate but he didn't, I thought he had forgotten or he had really accepted my apology as it was an accident but I was wrong.

He made sure I had forgotten and relaxed before he struck and what he did was far worse than me pouring my lunch on him.

He made me believe I had a secret admirer and when the day came for us to see, he put one of the Juniors there as the secret admirer and the guy totally embarrassed me while the other students recorded it.

Imagine being rejected and called ugly, then imagine such a thing being recorded.
For weeks I didn't log onto the school's blog page for students because I didn't want to see the video.

The humiliation was just too much.
I know Ethan lived off my down moments.
He was that sadistic.

Okay I'm scared for Ava😩😩😩
Do you think Ethan will strike?

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