Chapter 3

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Ethan's POV

We were currently in dad's office with Uncle Tony, Tristan and Ava, my eyes were trained on her, I was staring at her and I know she knows I was staring at her because I could see how uncomfortable it made her.

Dad and Uncle Tony were talking about how I was going to take over things as the Co CEO, helping Tristan out, I wasn't really paying attention but I could still understand what they were saying.

"And Ethan" Dad called me making me look at him "Try to keep it in your pants, I wouldn't want the media taking up news about you having an affair with any employee" dad said sternly making me almost roll my eyes at him

Tristan just snickered, we all know he's the one who goes about flirting and fucking whoever had a pair of boobs, he was the typical playboy.

Yes I am handsome no doubt but I don't flirt around and I certainly don't sleep around, even all through my school years I didn't even date, which was kind of weird but I just didn't find any of the girls attractive enough.

Yeah because your mind was on someone else.

My subconscious told me making me roll my eyes internally at him.
Ava hadn't said anything, I guess she was still recovering from what I said to her last night.

Today is a Saturday so we didn't have to go to work, Ava got up and excused herself but not before dad asked if she was fine.

"Are you okay sweetie"? He asked with concern and she just gave him a small smile

"Yeah I'm fine dad, just wanna quickly check on mom" she whispered before going out

Hearing her call my parents like hers made me clench my jaw, I really didn't like the she treated them like her biological parents, and I know she left because my staring was making her really uncomfortable.

"Alright boys, I think we've established a fact here, you can go" Uncle Tony told us and Tristan and I both got up and walked out, I heard dad asking Uncle Tony about Aunt Anna.

"Wanna hang out later"? Tristan asked immediately we went out

I just looked at him with a raised brow "If it involves you flirting with every girl we meet then forget about it" I told and he burst out laughing

"Come on bro, we're just gonna go to a club okay and maybe have a few drinks, nothing more" he said and I just nodded.

"Great, I'll text you the time and address" he told me before walking towards Ava's room and I walked downstairs.


I was standing in front of the club Tristan texted me to meet him, it was a bit packed but I easily found my way inside

I thought outside was packed, but inside was a whole new level of crowded.
The music was loud and they were all dancing and grinding on each other, the smell of alcohol and sweat mixed together.

I know Tristan doesn't really dance so I looked straight to the bar and saw him sitting there but he wasn't alone and I could recognize her from anywhere

She was here too, and what the fuck was she wearing?
A leather skirt that barely covered her thighs with slit on both side, she had on a white top, with a very exposing chest, did she leave the house like this? Because I'm sure Dad wouldn't even let her.

I was already getting angry just seeing her dressed like this and I could see a few eyes on her making me clench my jaw.

I walked over to them
"Hey bro" Tristan yelled over the sound of the music, that was when she turned and looked at me and her eyes were looking so innocent yet so seductive.

Fuck I could already feel the tightness in my pants
"What the fuck is she doing here"? I asked him through gritted teeth "I thought you said it was just us hanging out"? I snapped at him.

"Relax bro, you know I never go anywhere without Ava, don't worry you won't even notice she's here, no offense Ava" he told me and quickly apologized to her and she just nodded and continued with her cocktail without even looking at me.

I took the only available seat which was next to her, so now she was sitting between Tristan and I, I could tell Tristan was already wasted, he couldn't keep down his alcohol, makes me wonder why even drinks in the first place.

I don't know why I suddenly looked but I regreted it the moment I did because not only was I sitting close to Ava, I had a boner, one so prominent I think my pants would rip.

I looked over to her and my eyes found their way to her cleavage and from where I sat I could almost see her breast, I had to shift lightly to adjust my pants without anyone noticing.

It was a bad idea coming out in the first place
She was sitting with her back to the dancefloor while I was sitting facing the dancfloor.

Just then Tristan got up and whispered something into her ears, I couldn't really hear him but he kept pointing at the dancfloor, maybe he wanted her to dance, then his hands rested on her lower back, she didn't even try to take it off.

Fuck it I didn't like how close they were, his body was literally rubbing on hers, and if I'm right then he can see her cleavage just as much as I did just now.

I was this close to busting up when he suddenly let her go and walked to the dancefloor, where he started dancing with a redhead girl, Tristan and random women, I rolled my eyes at him.

Now I was stuck here with her, this is going to be a long night, I thought to myself.

I was still trying to compose myself and my situation when a guy walked towards where Tristan just go up and sat down.

I was watching him, he looked over to Ava and greeted her, she answered without even looking at him.

He tried again to make conversation but she wasn't having it, then he offered to buy her a drink but she declined.

I was already fuming but I was still under control, you'd expect the bastard to get the memo and just walk away but no, he went ahead to ask her for a dance and that's when I snapped.

"I'm sure the lady doesn't want your stupid drink, or a stupid dance with you, so I'd suggest you take your game elsewhere" I seethed at him and Ava just looked at me.

"And who the fuck do you think you are"? he asked with an attitude, he really has a death wish.

"Who I am doesn't matter, but it will if you don't get your stupid face outta this place before I mess it up right now" I was already getting up and so was the motherfucker

My fists were balled, he was tall but I stood a few inches above him, Ava suddenly stood up and stood between both of us.

"Ethan, don't" she said putting her hands on my chest, calling my name alone had already calmed the beast inside of me, with her standing here I wasn't going to do anything again.

The bastard scoffed before muttering "Should have known you were one of these club sluts" fuck it this guy was really getting on my nerves, lucky for him he walked away after saying that trash because Ava or not I would have messed him.

I moved away from her and sat down I could still feel her eyes on me.

Oooh lala

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