Chapter 9

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Ava's POV

I was so sure I put the papers along with the other files but then I was seeing something else.

I didn't mean to cry because then I'd only be looking weak but I hated the fact that I totally embarrassed myself in front of all those men and Uncle Tony, what if it was dad that came and not him?

I know who did this and he's gonna pay for it, I'm not the little girl he used to bully before, I'd show him I was now grown up.

He did it because of that incident that happened two weeks ago, he wants to get back at me even though I told him I wasn't the one that took the documents.

Ethan wants to play games then games we shall play, he better be watching his back because I'm gonna get him, and I'm gonna get him real good, he wouldn't know what hit him.

I heard when Tristan asked him and all he could say was 'maybe, maybe not'
Oh he's gonna get it from me real good.

All through work, I couldn't really concentrate, one because of what happened this morning and two because I was thinking of ways to get back at him for embarrassing me in front of everyone like that.

My office door opened and Tristan walked in
"Hey sweet cheeks" he said sitting down on the chair in front of me

"Tris" I muttered going back to what I was doing, I was currently searching for ways to get back at him.

"You good"? He asked raising a brow at me and I just hummed

"Hope you're not still bummed about what happened this morning"? He asked relaxing back on the chair and I just shook my head.

"Nah I'm cool now, I was just so embarrassed this morning that was why, I'm okay now" I told him going back to my work.

"Mom's probably gonna be landing back in New York in the early hours of the morning, wanna sleep over so you can come with me to go pick her up"? He asked me

I thought for a while, I had actually missed aunt Anna, she's that one cool Aunt you'd always want to hang out with, she tells a lot of stories about she, Dad and Uncle Tony growing up.

I shrugged and nodded "Yeah sure, but I'll go home first and pick something to wear and plus I'll tell Mom" I told him and he just nodded and got up.

"I'm gonna go grab lunch, you want anything"? He asked and I shook my head, I really wasn't hungry, I just wanted to look for the best way to get back at Ethan, he'd not know what hit him


We were sitting in Uncle Tony's home office, dad Tristan, Ethan and I.
Ethan wanted to show us a new model he was working on, he had been yapping about it to Tristan all week.

To him this would push our company further onto the top in terms of sales and contracts.
He had his laptop and his flashdrive with him, that was what he would be using for the visual explanation and representation of it.

I was sitting on the couch while Tristan was sitting on the arm of the couch and dad was on one of the chairs in front of Uncle Tony's table, Ethan was sitting on the other trying to explain his new model.

It hadn't gotten to the part of the visuals yet but I was patiently waiting for that part because that part would be the most interesting part of this presentation.

He looked so excited and sure of what he was doing, Ethan was like that, he was smart and he knew he was smart, that is one of the trait that made him a cocky bastard.

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