Chapter 12

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Ethan's POV

I loved seeing her so disorganized, it made me smile to myself, I hadn't done anything to her but she was already doing it herself.

She was on edge it was so fucking obvious, I had gotten under her skin, she wanted to play and I was playing

Initially I had wanted to do something to her that she'd definitely not like but seeing her like this was far better, I didn't even need to do anything to get her exactly where I wanted.

It was so fucking enjoyable, she rarely ever stayed in the same room with me and I was sure she had stopped coming over to Mom and Dad's because she didn't want to have to deal with me, it kind of bothered me though I wanted to see but I still saw her at work so that was okay with me.

My office door opened and Tristan walked into my office, he sat on the couch, it had been a stressful day at work for everyone, even Tristan looked tired.

"Damn it's been a crazy day" he breath out making me laugh gently.

"You good"? I asked him and he just shrugged, that was Tristan for you, always playing the cool one, it was hard to read him if he didn't want to be read.

Unlike Rhys who always had his emotions out, Tristan had a way of hiding his and if Tristan didn't want you to know something about him, there's no way in hell you'd know it.

"It's days like this I pity Ava" he said suddenly making me look at him

"And why's that"? I asked

"You know, she has you to deal with and then work" he said casually making me scoff.

"Both of you really need to stop this game of cat and mouse before someone gets hurt" he said seriously

"I haven't even done anything" I told him and he raised a brow at me.

"And what's the guarantee you won't? she has really been on edge because of you this past weeks" he explained making me roll my eyes.

"She caused it, when she embarrassed me in front of my dad and yours" I told him

"You did it first man, don't blame her" he said

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything" I said going back to work and I meant it, I wouldn't do anything to her.

"You're supposed to look out for her as your sister and not be her problem" he said, making me snap my head up to look at him.

I clenched my jaw "She. Is. Not. My. Sister" I gritted out word for word

"What do you have against her anyway"? He asked not getting affected by the glare I was giving him

"That's none of your business Tris, I already told you, I'm not gonna do anything to her" I snapped at him.

I alone knew what i had against Ava and no one would understand not even Ava, so it's better they don't prode.

He put up his hands in surrender "fine whatever, I just hope you guys don't end up hurting each other with your cat and mouse games" he said getting up and walking out.

I relaxed back in my chair with a sigh, with the way Tristan was always quick to call her my sister, I guess she never told him, I doubt if she even remembers.

I ran my hands through my hair, I needed a drink after work, Tristan just made me remember something I've been trying to keep buried deep in my mind.

I don't only dislike her for making me share my parents love and attention, I don't even think I dislike her anymore, there was something else, something no one knows about not even Ava.

And right now I don't even know how long I'm going to keep it hidden, it was slowly eating me up.
I know as a child I hated Ava but as time went on and we grew I had so many reasons to dislike her but I realized I didn't hate her, I just didn't like the fact that everyone wanted me to accept her as my sister.

I remember the day my parents brought her home, she looked so strange and skinny. At first glance I already knew she would be my doom but I didn't think it'll be this much.

I remember how dad had scolded and threatened to ground me if I didn't apologize for saying I didn't like her.

And I hated how I had to share everything with her, my toys, my parents and my cousins, they all instantly fell in love with her when they all met her and since then they had treated her like their sister, Tristan especially.

And then as I grew up, it got worse, I was forced to also like her, of course I had to pretend in front of my parents that we were cool siblings, else dad would have my head but deep down I think they both knew I never liked her.

Then came the time that I started getting this strange feeling towards her, I knew what it was but I tried not to dwell on it, I tried to fight it off but it was impossible.

I knew, I knew what was happening to me.
I was developing feelings for her.
It was bad that I was forced to be her brother, it was even worse when I started developing feelings for her, feelings I knew I could never act on.

I kept asking myself, of all the girls, why her?
The one person I never wanted to even like and I was developing feelings for her.
What was so special about her?

I bullied her more then because I thought maybe if I did, then the feelings would disappear but they never did, even after five years away from her, they were still fucking there.

And they were messing with my head

She was never my sister to begin with and she'll never be my sister, I'll make sure of it.

Now y'all understand why he doesn't like her being called his sister

Is he really not going to revenge?

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