" Police Station" [ CHAPTER 1 ]

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This is your job, you are a detective, trying to arrest a man who started a infection and made your friends creepy creatures, but you have a officer on your hands, and your best friend.

       Y/N your name
       F/N Friends name
       E/C Eye color

      ☁                          ☁
             F L U F F ! !


Y/N walks into their job, as they jingle their keys, clipping them to their belt, as they walked in more, they noticed poley, and doggy sitting together at the desk talking about some sort of infection.

Y/N started to get curious, so they walked over to them, they noticed Y/N and they both smiled.

" Ah, Y/N! Great your here, we have a nother investigation we need you to pursue. "
The polar bear smiled as he talked, staring right into Y/N's E/C. Staring into the eyes is respect around the police station.

" Yep, Another.. " The dog said, his tail was slightly wagging behind him, he seemed tired. Like something happened, but Y/n won't ask, it's not their business.

" So, What are we gonna do? "
Y/N Asks, Slightly concerned about the request, what type of infection was going on? Whatever it was, it didn't sound good.

" yea, and the piggy family, Georgie is missing, the last time he was seen was at their house, and I need you and doggy to go check it out. "
The polar bear soon said with a serious face.

Y/N nodded, F/N Nodded, As well as doggy, so you all hit the road, as you three arrive at the piggy house. your friend F/N and Doggy stay in the car, you have to go inside.

Y/N's Head :

" Really? Why me.. Could've been F/N or something.. "

Y/N snapped back to reality, and got out of the car, walking to the door, and looked behind them to see they have the windows up, and they put it down, only to yell

They both yell, to only you black out afterwards.

You wake up in a room, Penny's and Georgie's room, you rub your head noticing their is blood in the back of your head,

You get up, and start walking around, you open the door, and see a key on the ground, you feel like this is one of these escape houses like in horror movies. Your ears twitch at the sight. Your scared of these scenes.

You take a sigh, and unlock the door, only to hear a bat dragged across the ground, you quickly take the new key, and make a run for it. As penny follows behind you,

You take and unlock repeatedly, until you finally made it to the door, you got the boards down, and the key card, and the key, you just haven't unlocked it.
Penny is behind you, you look around and quickly try to unlock it. She doesn't look like her, she has red eyes instead of her normal eyes. You manage to unlock the door, your out alive, your friends are shocked, your about to be swung at but F/N grabs you and you all quickly run to the car, getting in and driving off.

" What the hell was that thing?! "
Doggy yells as he drives the car, you and F/n are in the back, they're draining the blood that's still gushing from the back of your head, and wrapping bandages, after you quickly get back up in the passengers side.

" I don't know doggy. But all I know is that it's penny. She had red eyes instead of her regular e/c."
Y/N nervously tells doggy that, and he slightly cracks up laughing due to his childhood with her .

" Well, that's okay. Y/N. But penny and I go way back, like when we were in kindergarten up to high school, she was a pretty funny girl. And rebellious, "
Doggy said, laughing in the seat, causing yourself to giggle as well. You all arrive back at the station, poley is nowhere in sight, doggy and f/n are in the garage. In the car, and you get out, opening the door and closing it behind you.


             713 Words
             This took me 3 hours.

Thanks for reading! Part 2 Soon!

Thanks for reading! Part 2 Soon!

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