Chapter 2x09: Daydream

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(Close-up of Kitty's sleeping face. She is lying on her side on her bed. She is wearing her red T-shirt to sleep. Morning light is coming in from behind through the window. Kitty begins to squeeze her eyes shut, starting to wake up. She tries to roll over to the other side of the bed, but finds that she can't. She frowns. She puts a hand to her face to rub her eyes. She lets her hand fall to her side, when it finds something on her waist. With her fingers, she begins to caress what is on her waist. It is a hand that squeezes her waist, sweet but strong. Kitty smiles broadly without opening her eyes. She takes the hand and intertwines the fingers with her. Then, the hug gets stronger and a body gets closer to Kitty's. The smile on Kitty's face grows bigger, if that's even possible. After a few seconds of not moving, Kitty begins to feel a breath on her neck that makes her hair stand on end. This makes her jump because of her tickling. She opens her eyes and turns to the person next to her.)

YURI: (Regretful) I'm sorry, Kitty. Didn't remember you were ticklish. 

KITTY: (Smiles) Don't be. (Turns to lie on her side on the bed, looking into Yuri's eyes) Good morning. (Caresses her face, gently) How did you sleep?

YURI: I slept amazingly. (Puts her arm around Kitty's waist and pulls her closer. Their noses touch) Your bed is really comfortable. I think I will come here to sleep some other times.

KITTY: (Raises an eyebrow) Really? You will only come here to sleep because of the bed?

YURI: (Smiles) Not only because of it. I really liked sleeping with you. (Hugs her more tightly) It's really comfortable.

KITTY: (Sighs) I really cannot believe that this is actually happening. (Caresses her arm from her shoulder to her hand) It really seems like I'm living inside my own dream.

YURI: Well, did this happen in your dream? 

(Yuri takes Kitty's chin and pulls her face closer. They close their eyes and kiss softly for a few seconds. When they pull apart, Kitty lets her forehead rest against Yuri's.)

KITTY: This didn't happen in my dream. (Opens her eyes once again) I wish we could stay like this, the two of us for the rest of our lives. (Gives Yuri a penguin kiss)

YURI: (Laughs and opens her eyes) I'd really like that as well. But we can enjoy a few more minutes of this before having to go to class. 

KITTY: Then let's enjoy this while it lasts.

(Kitty takes Yuri's cheek and pulls her closer to herself to take her lips between hers. They kiss quietly for a few moments. With all the love in the world and with all the desire of two people who have imagined this situation many times. Both consciously and unconsciously. However, a knock on the door causes them to separate. Kitty clamps her lips shut, angry at being interrupted. Yuri isn't too happy about it either.)

KITTY: (Turning and getting down of her bed) I'm going to kill the person who interrupted us.

YURI: (Realizing something) Kitty. (Kitty turns) What if it's Juliana?

KITTY: I really doubt it. (Turns to walk outside the bedroom) She was really clear on her note. She doesn't want to see me ever again.

YURI: (Opens her eyes, wide) What did she say?

(Kitty doesn't answer and goes to the door. When she reaches it, she opens it and finds Q on the other side. He doesn't wait for her to say anything and goes inside the room, leaving his shoes at the entrance and doesn't stop talking.)

Q: Where have you been? I have been texting you since last night and...

(Q stops when he sees Yuri coming out of Kitty's room wearing a KISS T-shirt, with her head in a mess and no makeup on. The expression on Q's face goes from surprise to confusion to realization.)

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