𖥧 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅

Start from the beginning

Just like Mark had asked, at nine am, Madeline was dressed, teeth brushed, hair brushed, apartment locked up, and knocking on Callie's door.

With a slightly tired grin, Arizona opened it, ushering the girl inside instantly and heading straight to the fridge, "God, I am starving, I would literally kill for some pancakes- Do you like pancakes?"

"Yeah." Madeline smiled, sitting down at the counter and watching Arizona rather frantically grab ingredients from the fridge and cupboards.

"So..." Arizona grinned, her voice perky and cheery, "Are you excited to go to the mall? What kind of stuff do you wanna get?"

"Oh, I don't really know." Madeline never really had the option to pick out her own fashion decisions, so had never really thought of the subject.

"Well we'll just get a bit of everything, I mean i've seen what kids your age wear but I think most of it would probably give your dad a heart attack." She laughed before pausing, holding a measuring jug in her hands, "Wow, that is weird. Mark being a dad."

"Does- Does he find it weird?"

"What, being a dad suddenly?"


Arizona frowned, now focused on making the pancake batter, "Well yeah a little, I mean it was kind of sprung on him and it's not like you're a baby, you're a fully fledged tiny human." She looked up and saw the crestfallen expression on Madeline's face and quickly covered herself up, "But, I've never seen Mark care about someone so much, and he's not even known you a week."

"So... He isn't mad?"

"What!? Of course not, he loves you, Madeline. He's just adjusting, this is new for him- And for you."


When the two were eating their pancakes, Arizona finally mustered up enough courage to ask the question that had been teetering off the edge of her tongue for a while, (She found it crazy that she was afraid of asking a child a question),

"How are you finding everything?"

Madeline looked up and stammered, "Oh, uh, the pancakes are really nice, thankyou."

Arizona let out a laugh, but quickly stopped when she realised Madeline thought she'd done something wrong, "No-I, uh, thankyou- But, I meant with the whole moving in with your dad thing."

"Oh, sorry-"

"-It's alright you don't need to apologise."

Madeline just nodded, cutting up another piece of pancake, "It's strange."


"Yeah, I mean, last week I didn't even know I had a dad."

Arizona smiled to herself, the fact that Madeline was even slightly opening up to her made her so incredibly joyous, especially if she hadn't talked to Mark or Callie about this; That made her feel even better.

"And how are you doing with your mom? You must miss her?"

Frowning, Madeline avoided eye contact and looked down at her plate, "Sure, yeah."

Arizona opened her mouth to respond, then closed it, opened it again, and then closed it again; Settling on just not responding at all, as she was completely out of her depth in this situation. Someone else was better suited to understand why she wasn't devastated over her mothers death, as Arizona would be crushed if this happened to her.

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