chapter -11

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(After announcing about his marriage... There was a really tense atmosphere... Alice was fuming in anger..... So did Vin and Ruby have a betrayed face....)

Vin: Explain....

(Pete looks at everyone and then looks at him and sighs....)

Pete: Dad... He asked me to come home urgently.... After I came he told me that I'm getting married in next in few days... And after that I got married....
Alice: He sold you off?
Pete: Alice!!

(Pete sternly called her name... The Theerapanyakun's were stunned.... Because Alice is known for her brutality... No one dares to raise their voice on her.....)

Alice: What? I'm not worng.... Pete I know you... He must have forced you or used something against you to agree to it... He has always been like this.... You are my brother Pete... I can't bear to see you living your life like this...
Vin: She is right Pete... You also know it... We all know till Today how many times you have sacrificed yourself for others... But marriage? Are you serious Pete? It's your life you shouldn't sacrifice in like this....

(Alice and Vin were really hurt.... They have known each other since childhood.... They are a family.... They know how Pete's dad treats him... None of Theerapanyakun said a word because all of them know that it's the truth... Porsche had a guilty face so did Kinn... Pete looked at them....)

Pete: Alice... Vin... I know you guys are worried about me... But trust me... I don't regret this decision....
Vin: Pete...
Pete: Listen to me please....

(Pete looked at them with love and sincerity....)

Pete: At first I didn't agree to the marriage because I didn't even know how he looks like...

(Pete looked into Vegas's eyes and held his hand in his and gave him a smile.... )

Pete: After marriage.... It was hard for both of us... But as we started understanding each other... We got close... We really did.... And... I... I fell for him..... I love Vegas....

(Everyone was stunned... They didn't expect Pete to confess his love in front of everyone.....)

Vin: Pete are you serious?
Pete: You know me really well.... I will never lie about my feelings....

(Vin and Alice couldn't believe it.... Pete who always avoided getting into a relationship just confessed his love.... His eyes... It shows how serious he is about his love for his husband..)

Alice: We will support you as long as you love him and he does too...
Vin: Vegas... Do you love him?

(Everyone looks at Vegas who is looking at everyone with a neutral expression... He looks at Pete... Who is longing for his words.... Vegas tightens his hold on Pete and smiles....)

Vegas: I do... I love him.... I love Pete...

(Everyone was happy to hear his confession.... Except for 2 people who still don't believe him fully....)

(Vin and Alice's expression changed and there was a smile... They looked at the couple lovingly....)

Vin: I wish both of you will love each other like this forever....
Alice: And be happy together....
Vin: Princess congratuate your Papa for his marriage....

(Vin told the little cutie in his lap... Ruby's face became gloomy and her eyes filled with tears and she started crying... Everyone was surprised.... Vin and Alice tried their best to calm her but it didn't work.... Pete went and took her in his arms and started rocking her and kissed her.... She calmed down and Pete took her with him and made her sit in his lap beside Vegas... Vegas didn't like Pete being so close with Ruby.... He had a jealous look all over his face...)

Pete: Princess why did you suddenly started crying?
Ruby: married.... And won't be with me..... You will stay with him....You love him... You won't love me.... You don't...

(She started tearing up again... Pete was really hurt by her words... Pete picked her up from his lap and faced her and kissed her both cheeks her little nose..her forehead and pecked on her lips...)

Pete: Baby... You are my daughter.... I love you... I will always love you... No matter what... My love for you will never change.... I love you my princess....

(Tears were flowing from Pete's eyes.... He hugged her tightly....)

Ruby: I love you Papa....
Pete: I love you too my Princess....

(Everyone got emotional seeing their love... Despite it Vegas was still jealous of her....)

Vin: Pete and Princess are really close... When we learned about Alice's pregnancy... Pete was the happiest one in the house...
Alice: Pete then started working from home... He accompanied me more than Vin during my pregnancy... He even went to some classes about Pregnancy and dragged Vin with him... After I give birth to her... Pete didn't want to leave her side... If Pete wasn't by her side she used to cry... She won't eat or sleep.... She is attached to them more than us... Vin: Alice and I used to go for work and Pete stayed home took care of her while working....
Kinn: They have to stay away from each other....
Korn: It's going to be hard for both of them....

(Everyone looked at the 2 people who were in their own world.... After that Vin and Alice started talking to others about the things they came and all..... They were having food and chatting in between.. )

Khan: Actually we would like to cooperate with Mr.Peter too...
Korn: We heard you are good friends and other than your family no one else has seen him...

(Alice and Vin looked at each other and then at Pete and Sin...)

Vin: Sorry to say this but I don't think I can help you with it...
Alice: Peter doesn't like getting involved in the business.... As you know he is a Mafia leader....
Vin: He takes care of it and as for the other stuff....the other staffs deal with it...
Kinn: We know about that.... We would judt like to meet him...
Alice: Sorry but we can't help you with this... Others can't meet him until he wants to...
Vin: Sin and Pete have been with us for years they have talked to him but they never got to meet him in person....
Khan: You know him Pete?
Pete: We have talked a few times about some business and stuffs...
Vin: I think it's better you don't meet him... Not just you anyone.... He is not a normal person... If you don't trust me you can ask Sin... He has seen something that almost turmatised him....
Korn: Sin?

(Everyone looks at Sin...)

Sin: Actually once I went with Vin to see a place after Mr.Peter had a deal.... The room was covered with blood.... There were many bodies their... Some of their Nerves and veins were laying seperate from their body...some of them didn't have eyes.... Some of their bones were ripped out... Some of their skin was peeled off.... I can't even imagine the state of the other bodies..... The whole room was horrible...
Alice: Peter is a Maniac... He is brutal and Psycho... If anyone dares to mess with him... He gives them a horrible death... Sometimes he doesn't kill them... He will keep them alive for a few days and torture them and make them beg to die... In the end they end up killing themselves....
Kinn: We have heard a few stories about him.... We are not going to mess with him... Trust us...
Vin: Fine... I'll let him know... The rest is up to him....
Alice: Since Pete and Sin are here... You guys can deal with the expansion of business here...
Pete: Okay.... I'll do it...

(After that everyone continued their talk and had food.... After a while the guests left.... Since it was late... The Minor family decided to stay in the Major Mansion....)

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