Chapter 21 - The Kiss

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to forget, and don't interrupt me this time. It made me think back to the beginning of fall. I remembered how there was something between us before I was a jerk and screwed everything up. I don't want to screw it up again", James spoke and with those words he brought some hope into me. I bit my lip and waited for James to continue. Just as he opened his mouth we heard someone calling to us.

"Are you together now, or what?", Christina yelled through the Great Hall. People turned or way and that was one of the rare occasions when I blushed. It was kind of embarrassing having the whole Great Hall staring at you, waiting to see if you had a boyfriend or not.

I turned towards James again, in hopes that not looking at all of the people would boost my confidence. James however was only smirking in confidence and grinned widely at me when he met my eyes.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?", he asked me and held out his hand theatrically. I sighed and pulled a hand over my hand before chuckling a little.

"Yes, I would like that", I told him with a smile, feeling the blush leaving my face because of the happiness taking over. Our small conversation had not been heard by the rest of the students in the room, but when James suddenly embraced me while lifting me of the ground everyone got the message. I laughed with James as the Great Hall burst into applause, cheers and a few hoots. When James had set me on the ground again I quickly pulled him out of the Great Hall to get away from all of the stares. I could hear the buzzing of excitement for the whole walk over and it didn't quite down until the door shut behind us.


"Where are we going, girlfriend?", James asked as I pulled him towards where I thought you could get out of the castle was. Hopefully, I was right or else we would wander around for a while.

"Somewhere where people aren't looking at us, boyfriend", I answered James. The whole day had been spent ignoring the looks from other students. After breakfast everyone had talked about how the 'Slytherin-new-girl' and the 'Son-of-freaking-Harry-Potter-Gryffidor' were together. As if Christina, Allison and Roxanne annoying us about it wasn't enough.

"Really? I haven't noticed anyone looking", James said with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and then sighed in relief when I saw the grass outside.

"Come on", I said all giddy about finally getting some privacy. As the outside air hit my face I took a deep breath. It smelled like fall, felt like fall. The air was a bit chilly, but thankfully we weren't experiencing any rain. James led me over to a slope where we sat down on the grass. I could see Hagrid's hut from our position. Hagrid was the teacher teaching Care of Magical Creatures. He was really nice and one of my favorite teachers.

"You have no idea how nervous I actually was about asking you this morning", James told me out of nowhere. He was right, I had no idea.

"You actually looked pretty confident, except when you pulled your hand through your hair", I told him honestly. James turned to look towards me with huge, surprised eyes.

"You noticed that?", he asked in astonishment. I smiled a bit shyly and shrugged.

"It wasn't really that hard. I don't know, you do that when your nervous I've noticed", I mumbled. James smiled sincerely and I couldn't help but answer his smile. It wasn't until the silent settled that I realized how close we were actually sitting. Our legs and arms were touching. When we looked towards each other our noses where only centimeters apart. That was what we were doing, looking at each other. James leaned a little closer, still smiling, and our noses touched. I was also smiling but subconsciously I bit my lip. James eyes caught the movement and his eyes lingered on my lips. I looked down towards his lips and saw that they had parted a little. I leaned a bit closer, just as he did. It was so little distance between our lips, they were barely breaths apart.

"Can I kiss you?", James asked. I could feel every word on my lips in small breaths. His question made me giggle because of the ridiculousness. He was almost kissing me already, but he still asking.

"Of course you can", I mumbled the answer, still amusement clear in my voice. James didn't waste a breath. He kissed me the same moment as he realized what I had said. I was just as quick to respond to his lips. They were soft and a little cold from the chilly air outside. The kiss wasn't heated, nor was it very passionate. It was simply the first kiss between a couple, sweet and short. Even though our lips parted, our faces stayed close.

"Can I kiss you again?", James wondered in a short breath. Once again his question humored me.

"Yes", I answered with a grin. The grin disappeared as our lips touched once more.

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