Sensing the gravity of the situation, Captain abruptly halted and emitted a series of chirps, indicating his agreement. He motioned towards himself, indicating the need for a disguise. [name] pondered the options, her mind racing through various possibilities. Then, in a spark of brilliance, an idea struck her. "Captain!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "Give me your marker!"

Captain nodded in agreement, fishing a thick black marker from his pocket and handing it over to [name]. Squatting down to meet Captain at eye level, [name] issued a gentle command, "Hold still. I don't want the ink to smudge."

She drew an extravagant handlebar mustache on Captain's mask with utmost care. Satisfied with her artistic flair, she rose to her full height and returned the marker to Captain, a proud smile illuminating her face. "Behold!" [name] exclaimed, her voice filled with triumph. "Now, nobody will suspect that you are a Shy Guy."

After what felt like an eternity, they finally emerged from the dense forest, their weary bodies greeted by the sight of the majestic Mushroom Kingdom. [name]'s excitement resurged within her, her eyes widening as she took in the scenery up close. "It looks even more amazing up close," she remarked with a touch of awe. A small brick sign stood proudly at the entrance, bearing the inscription: "Now Entering: Toad Town."

As they stepped into the town, a bustling hub of activity unfolded before their eyes. The air was abuzz with the lively chatter of the mushroom people, their animated movements painting a vivid portrait of a thriving community. [name]'s grip on Captain's hand tightened instinctively as a wave of nervousness washed over her. Most of the townspeople cast fleeting glances in her direction before returning to their own affairs. Still, there were a few who continued to stare, their prolonged gazes stirring an uncomfortable feeling within her.

Before she could muster a witty retort about the impoliteness of staring, another searing pang coursed through her temples, causing her to stumble slightly. The intensity of the pain immediately put Captain on high alert, voicing his concern through a series of chirps. Sensing his unease, [name] mustered a reassuring smile, her voice laced with a hint of strain. "I'm okay, just feeling a little...dizzy," she assured him, though her faltering steps betrayed her worsening condition. In an effort to shield herself from the glaring sunlight, she pulled her hood further over her face. The newfound sensitivity to light solidified that her head injury was more severe than she initially thought.

"Woah! Are you alright?" A shrill, cheery voice rang through the air, catching the pair off guard. Before them stood one of the mushroom people, who seemed to be a rather lively character. His mushroom-cap head was adorned with large red dots, and wore an unbuttoned blue vest, carrying a comically large backpack in comparison to his small frame. [name]'s lack of response caused him to speak up again, stepping closer with concern etched on his face.

"I've never seen a Toad as tall as you before! Where did you come from? And why are you covering your face with that hood?" His eagerness overflowed as he bombarded [name] with questions. She tried to respond but could only manage a pained grunt, her head throbbing with each attempt. Captain decided to intervene, taking matters into his own hands. Swiftly, he jotted something down in his notebook before handing it to the mushroom person before them.

"Needs Help!" The mushroom person nodded in understanding, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern. "Oh! You must be injured, you poor thing," he cooed sympathetically, gesturing for them to follow him. "I'll take you to the Princess, she'll know what to do! Follow me!"

The two of them were led through the bustling streets of Toad Town, drawing even more attention as they passed by. Whispers and murmurs trailed in their wake. "Make way! This giant Toad is in need of medical assistance!" their mushroom guide exclaimed, almost colliding with another civilian. He chuckled apologetically, his enthusiasm unfazed. "Whoops, sorry about that! This is an emergency! Excuse us!"

Hiraeth (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now