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I back out of the room hurriedly, practically running. Will the Overlord ever be able to forgive me for witnessing that? Clearly the incestuous relationship with his uncle had been non-consensual, and he just relived it for my sake, to get me a position of power, or privilege, that I am clueless about. How will this protect my child?

I carefully close the door behind me, and pause there, deliberating. Part of me wants to listen at the keyhole, but I know I'm not mentally prepared to hear whatever they are hiding. I can't imagine how bad it must be, if they think I can't handle it, considering what I have already seen. I drift towards the kitchens in a daze, looking for Britt, feeling mentally bruised.

I see her before she sees me, and I hesitate to enter, just watching her. She is wearing an apron, and nothing else, flour up to her elbows, as she slaps dough on the counter, pummeling it mercilessly. There is something therapeutic about watching her work.

She glances up and sees me in the doorway. "Come in" she invites me.

I step inside the kitchen, and take a seat on a stool opposite her, a large island counter in between us, which has been dusted with flour.

"Done already?" Britt asks, frowning at her dough.

"Ummm, they are done with me... for now. I guess...they wanted me to leave so they could talk more" I tell her.

"I hope Uncle Bjørk wasn't too hard on you?" she queries.

I don't even know how to respond to that. She looks up at my face, sees my frozen expression, I probably resemble a deer in headlights, and she shakes her head.

"I guess he was" she comments regretfully, punching the dough in front of her with added vigor.

"Auggie... just... negotiated... for me to be... on the... High Council" I confess haltingly.

She freezes, looks up at me again. I can see her eyes roving from one side to another, and she seems to be searching for an answer in her mind. Finally her eyes meet mine again.

"He said yes?" she asks, and I nod.

She inhales a deep breath, takes a step back, breathes out with a poof of flour as she slaps her thighs.

"Isn't this a fine to-do?" she exclaims in exasperation.

"Are you mad?" I ask awkwardly.

She laughs in disbelief. "Mad?" she parrots. "I am the least of your concerns! What is that idiot thinking? He might as well have poured a bucket of blood over you, and tossed you into a shark tank! You'd stand a better chance!" She stomps one foot, her outrage plainly displayed.

My hands move protectively to my abdomen, and I hug myself nervously, feeling overwhelmed.

"Oh, dear! Dear, dear, dear!" she walks around the island to hug my shoulders, spreading flour all over me. She heaves a sigh, squeezing me tight. "I'm sure he has a plan" she tries to reassure me. "We just have to trust him. I'll make you some chocolate" she offers.


Bjørk pulls a handkerchief from his pocket, and blots at the cum stains on his shirt. The Overlord has reclaimed his seat after pulling his swim trunks back up.

"This is ludicrous" Bjørk comments with aggravation.

"Will you go back on your word?" The Overlord asks, his voice unemotional.

"No! Of course not" Bjørk replies, offended. "I think it's asinine, but I did promise you anything you wanted."

The Overlord regards Bjørk thoughtfully, his posture softening when Bjørk says he will keep his Word. "When I wanted to ban minors from Nordlys, you said it was preposterous" he states calmly.

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