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When I wake, my first thought is 'Thirsty'. My mouth feels as dry as the Sahara, and tastes just as salty. My stomach rumbles and I think 'Food'.

I stretch my arms and legs, trying to recall fragments of a dream. There was a fire... it was big, I was afraid of it, and then suddenly 'Bathroom!' sounds off in my head, bringing me back to reality. That is the most urgent command from my brain so far.

I throw the blanket off of me, and slide out to the edge of the bed, noticing that I am alone. I can't get to the bathroom fast enough, mincing my steps to keep from pissing on the floor.

Finally I reach the toilet, and sigh with relief as I release a torrent into the bowl. It occurs to me while I am wiping, I fell asleep after sex. Tex's cum has been left inside of me this whole time!

"Oh, dear" I say to myself in the mirror.

I'll have to take Plan B when we get back home to Norway. It shouldn't be too much trouble, but I wish Tex had used a condom. Then I remember the Ritual, which had also been conducted 'raw' so to speak. Hmmm, yeah... Plan B it is!

'This child will be mine'...

My eyes widen as that fragment of memory pops up. I don't think I misheard what Tex whispered in my ear while the portal was open, though my senses were overloaded at the time. My hand drops to my lower abdomen, presses against it cautiously. My alarmed face looks back at me in the mirror. Lars better not have dragged me into some Handmaid's Tale bullshit!

I can't hold my own stare, so I look away to the shower. That seems like a good idea! I run the water hot, and let it wash away all my worries, and all the stickiness and sweat of Tex's energy. I feel more like myself when my body is clean. If there comes a problem, I will handle it.

I find some fluffy white towels and a fluffy white bathrobe left out in the bathroom, and make use of them. Then I head out of the room to look for Lars, padding softly across the hardwood floors in bare feet.

As soon as I open the door to leave the bedroom I am walloped by the smell of fresh coffee. I groan, almost sobbing. I want that! I follow my nose to the direction of the kitchen and find Lars seated at the dining table, wearing a white bathrobe similar to mine, reading a sheet of paper, holding a coffee mug to his lips.

A jovial whistle in the kitchen alerts me to the presence of Tex, who comes out holding two plates filled with hot food. He pauses in surprise when he sees me standing there.

"Looks like our narcoleptic beauty has returned to the land of the living" Tex teases.

He sets the plates down at the dining table next to Lars and himself. My stomach gives an audible growl, impatient at being ignored for so long, and Tex chuckles.

"Come into the kitchen, make yourself a plate" he offers.

I follow him in, and he points out where the dishware and cutlery are stored. The countertop is loaded with food! Eggs, fresh berries, yogurt, cheese of different types, sliced deli meats, croissants, a large tart of some kind. A veritable feast of a brunch!

"Wow! This is amazing!" I say to Tex in awe.

"Awww, shucks" he returns playfully. "Eat up, little girl!" He then commands, slapping my ass.

He goes back to Lars at the dining table, and I immediately grab a mug to pour myself some coffee from the percolator. I sample the first sip black, to judge its flavor, and it's really good! Not too acidic. I'll just add a little bit of sugar and it should be fine.

I take my coffee and plate back to the table, taking the seat across from Lars. He is eating the food without looking at it, engrossed in reading the stack of papers in front of him. A little frown creases at his forehead.

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