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I stumble out of the car, falling out the door, and crawl away on my hands and knees up the gentle slope, until the grass feels soft. Then I flip over and lay down. Land! Blessed Land! The blue sky wheels above me, my body too heavy to move, pressed into the grass, my fingers clutch feebly at it, trying to get a grip on reality. It feels like I am free-falling into the void.

"Are you okay?" Jen's worried face appears above me, blocking the sun.

I blink, and swallow, move my lips, but no words come yet. The light reappears as Jen looks away from me, speaks to someone outside my range of vision. A low whine sounds at the base of my skull, like tinnitus, but different.

"Should we get her to the hospital?" her voice is muted, sounding far away, but I can feel the pressure against my eardrums, and it's unbearable.

I close my eyes with lids tightly pressed together, swallow again, try to find my tongue.

"I'm all right" I mumble quietly, trying to avoid being put back into the car. I can't face that again so soon.

I spoke too quietly, Jen didn't hear me. I try again, this time fractionally louder. If I could just turn on my side, I think I might start to feel better, but I can't put the words together to ask for help. A large shadow falls over us, and I loll my head to the side to look up at one of the bodyguards standing over me. A detached part of my brain thinks the perspective from this angle is cringe. The way the crotch of his jeans bulges out, it appears bigger than his face. A small laugh escapes me. This bodyguard will forever be known as 'Dickface' in my head. I don't make the rules.

The laughter returns some of my strength, and I am able to roll myself onto one shoulder, clumsily swinging my leg over, flopping my arm on top of the other. I lay still at Dickface's feet, and breathe awhile longer, relieved that the dizziness is slowly dissipating. Jen's hand tentatively rubs my upper arm, like she doesn't know what to do.

"I'm all right" I try to reassure her again. "I just got REALLY dizzy, probably all those hairpin curves. I'm feeling better now. I might be able to sit up."

Jen slides a hand underneath my bottom shoulder, lifting, while I try to get my elbow under me to get the leverage I need to push up. It is slow going. My head feels like a lead balloon, it throws me off balance.

Finally I am up, sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce on the grass, Jen next to me and the bodyguards hovering around me, eyeing me like a snake about to strike. I glare at them from underneath my long hair, and wave them away.

"I want to talk to Jen" I declare.

Their deadpan expressions seem unimpressed by me, but they do take a few steps back towards the car.

"I'm sorry about this, I wasn't expecting that to happen" I tell Jen, rubbing my right shoulder.

Her face is appalled. "You don't have to apologize for getting sick! Why do that?"

I open my mouth to answer, and close it. I can't give her a rational explanation, but I know with a certainty that people in my past have been upset with me for even mentioning feeling sick. I shake my head, and relegate it to the back of my mind.

"Anyways, I brought you here for a reason" I say. "I wanted you to see this place, where Lars had dumped me..."

Jen's hand covers her mouth, and her eyes grow large. She looks around in horror.

"Oh, shit! I don't meant to traumatize you. I didn't even think about that!" I exclaim. "um... I uhhh" awkward laugh, "I just... I experienced something TRULY magical here, and I was hoping to show it to you."

Nordlys: The Northern Lights Orgy Clubजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें