Y/N's Death note? (7)

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Setting: you Ray Emma and Norman all live in a house together but Emma and Norman where on a date.

A/N: as always I am open to suggestions as long as it's not sexual (not rlly comfortable writing that just yet) or depicts self harm, suicide, death etc. some violence may be allowed, depending on the context.

I hope I'm not too shitty of a writer 😅 I rlly try my best here guys. If all fails at least it's a way to practice n improve ig lol.

POV: Y/N's


I was doing some garden work out in the yard when I spotted an odd notebook a few feet away. I put down my shovel, placing it by the bag of soil. Curiosity consumed my thoughts as I inched closer to the odd book. I crouched down and took a look at it.

"Death note

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"Death note... eh?" I picked up the book and quickly went into my bedroom, abandoning the previous task at hand. I flipped through the pages a bit before going to the first page. "Well that's odd... a set of- instructions? Who the hell needs instructions for a notebook....." a muttered quietly to myself.

After I had finished reading all the rules and instructions (wasn't a light read), I closed the book again and noticed the silver/grey lettering on the cover. "Death Note. Hmm.... I wonder- does it really work?" If I was going to test it, it couldn't be anyone I personally knew. Someone who deserved the death, like a serial killer or something.

I picked up my phone off the bedside table, going to the news app. I scrolled for a few minutes before finding an article about a recent murder, with an attached article. I clicked on the arrival finding a web page about all the details, the killer, the time, the picture of the criminal in charge, etc.

I quickly find his name and scribble it into the Death Note, both eager and anxious for the outcome. Surely it was just a practical joke, or prank.

(Time skip to that evening)

Emma and Norman where still out, and Ray was reading in the living room. It was about time for the news channel. I picked up the remote to our bedroom tv and flicked through the channels before finding the news channel. My stomach was doing flips as I awaited all the information.

Once the news was finished, I had my final answer. I wasn't sure how to feel about it. Had I really just killed someone or was it all a coincidence? That couldn't be though... how else would the timing be within 40 seconds of writing the criminals name in the death note, just as it had said?

I didn't want Ray to find out, what if he left me? Or tried to use it to kill me? I was skimming over the set of instructions. "This really would have been useful back at the orphanage..." my thoughts where interrupted when Ray suddenly came in.

"O-oh' uh Ray!" I tried to hide the book under the bed. "What would have been useful at the orphanage?" He questioned me looking curious and rather suspicious. "N-nothing!" "Tsk. What are you hiding?" Shit. He was onto me. "I uhh," he peered under the bed. My heart was racing, scared of what would happen.

He pulled the book out from under the bed. "A death note eh?" "Y-you know about it?!" "Well, not that you had one... it's just an urban legend anyways. Where'd you even get this?" Ray tossed the book onto the bed. "At uhm..." quick I had to think of a lie. "At a shop"

"Oh, alright then. Have fun with it I guess." He said leaving the room. After Ray left I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding, filled with relief he brushed it off as merely an urban legend. If only he knew it was all true...



In reality just didn't know how to finish it :/ lol sorry if it was short?


Words: 683

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