A Theory I Have For TPN

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Hello! So this is gonna be a theory I have for TPN! Also I am working on a (one shot ig is what it's called) but bare with me since it's taking a bit! Hopefully it will be out soon, as I plan to work on it! I had some minor delays such as my birthday on Sunday and my laptop stopped working entirely. (Though I write on mobile) I also dyed my hair black and blue.


Spoiler warning!

Okay, so my theory is that Isabella actually wanted to help the kids escape. Since Ray is a spy, he already knew the secret and were close with the trio, Yada Yada.

In the first episode after mama takes Conny to "get adopted" Emma notices she left Little Bunny. I theorize that Isabella purposely left little bunny knowing Emma and Norman would be sure to take it back to her by going to the gate and find out the secret of the house.

Fast forward to when Sister Krone is here. She helps the kids play tag, and tries to side with the trio. I believe Isabella Hired Krone on purpose, not only to know more about the escape plan but to actually aid in it.

At the end of Krone's stay, she gives Emma a special pen. This pen portrays puzzles and code in order to help them reach the bunker, and further escape.

Fast forward to after Norman's "shipment"

The children are at the wall and they have just crossed over. Isabella strangely wishes them luck on their escape journey. (Weird how if she didn't want them to escape, but instead become food, why would she wish them luck?)

After they get back to the orphanage site, we find out that Isabella has been planning to betray Peter Ratri (think that's how u spell it) this entire time. She sides with the children, saving them as well as the other moms of different plants.

When they reach the human world again, Isabella helps take care of the children. She raised them with genuine love and kindness, not just to improve their quality.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

I hope it makes sense I'm not great at explaining things hah.

373 words


I have now started the manga, so I now know some stuffs and no longer have this theory. Just fyi lol.

Tpn (and Ray) x she/her reader (my first public story thing) -!SPOILER WARNING!-Where stories live. Discover now