Stray Cat (1) RE-WRITTEN

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A/N: hey! This is a rewrite soooo yeah! I don't ever write scripts for my stories and I don't proofread so apologies on that ig!


C/N: cats name

Authors POV:

You walk outside to play with the other children in the gracefield house. Though, you didn't really play much. You'd occasionally join Emma and Norman at a game of tag, though on the cooler days of the year.

(Background info)

Like Norman, you weren't physically strong and had previously had some health scares. You are sensitive to heat and easily get overworked and dehydrated, so you made company with Ray by the tree.

This never bothered you at all. You loved spending time with Ray. At first glance he seems off putting and edgy. Scary if you will, but once you got to know him more personally he was quite enjoyable to be around. He wasn't as mysterious as he seems at a first impression. He wasn't as mysterious, he'd just been through a lot. And you understood that well as you had grown up really close together.

Recently you had found out the secret truth behind the orphanage you once called home. You hated this place. It terrified you knowing how many siblings you had lost, not to adoption but something far more sinister.

The night you found out you were petrified. It took you ages to accept the truth thinking it was some cruel joke. You immediately told Ray, and he confessed to being a traitor.

You were completely shaken by this fact. 'How could Ray out of all people be siding with someone like mom?!' You're thoughts pestered. You finally realized he did this to help everyone. You, Emma, Norman, mainly.

(End of background info)

Y/N's POV:

I trudged over to the tree Ray was resting at reading his book. It was a cool day, though I was exhausted. I'd barely slept the night before as I was drawing far longer than I thought. So it was a no brainer I didn't want to play tag, no matter how much Emma begged.

"Y/N! Please play tag with us!" Emma pleaded making puppy eyes. "No thanks Emma, not today. I'm far too tired." I responded half awake.

"Hmph! Fine. Norman let's go!" She replied back almost forgetting she was upset I wouldn't join her in tag.

I slumped down next to Ray, bags under my eyes clearly visible. I sighed and rested against him. "Y/N? How much sleep did you get last night? You look exhausted." He said trying his best to sound sympathetic. I laugh nervously, hesitant to tell him how much sleep I'd actually gotten.

"Uhhhhh" I said rubbing the back of my neck. I finally caved and decided to tell him the truth as for if I lied I wouldn't be getting out of this. "I got two hours...."

"Two hours?!! Y/N.." Ray said disappointed at me. "Well, I would have gotten more if I knew I swear!" "Oh well... just, make sure to keep an eye on the clock next time alright?"

"I'll try." I said hanging my head down knowing that I don't have the attention span for that so it won't happen.


A few minutes later, you're almost asleep as Ray insisted you'd get at least some rest while you can. You hear Ray get startled at something so you perk up wide awake. "Gah!" He flinched. "Huh? What's wrong Ray?" I turned my head to see.

"Awww! What's a cat doing here? You're seriously scared of it?" I state confused. "No, Y/N IK just easily startled."

"Well the cats cute! It can take a nap with me." I suggest. "Y/N I'm not letting a stray cat touch you and vice versa. It could have diseases!"

"Awe come on, it's just an innocent little cat! Let me pet it!" I beg. The cat then gets on rays lap and lays between the pages in his book like a bookmark. "Well if the cats gonna touch you I'm gonna touch it too!" I exclaim while I start to pet the cats soft fur.

"It is a cute cat... but we can't keep it!" He said catching himself off guard. "Why not? I've always wanted a pet in the family! This is our one in only chance!"

"Y/N someone could be allergic for all we know. And I don't think mom would appreciate a cat in the house." He contradicts toward my statements.

"But that's unfair." I say pouting while still petting the (really sweet) cat. "We could always just ask mom, like 'hey mom we found a cat can we keep it?' It's not that hard." "See? Even the cat wants to be in our family! Please Ray? Please? For the cats sake too?"

"Alright alright fine. We can ask mom if we can keep the cat." He finally gives in. "Yay! Thank you!" I exclaim, then kissing his cheek. "W-what was that for...?" He says getting flustered.

I ignore his question and change the subject back to the cat. "Let's go get mom now! Wait no, let's show Emma and Norman!" I was %1000 positive that they'd take well to the idea of a cat in the house. We've always wanted to have a pet!

When we were younger, Ray would tell us all about pets since he had read a book about them. We had all agreed we'd choose a cat if we could, so it's an obvious yes!

I go off to find Emma and Norman in the thick forest trees, leaving my boyfriend with the cat. "Emma! Norman! I've gotta show you guys something!" I shout.

I finally make it through the forest and see them just through the trees at the wall. "Oh! Hey guys! Lookin' at the wall eh?" I ask.

"Yeah.." Norman states plainly. "Well, c'mon you guys, me and Ray have to show you something!" "Oooh! I'm in!" Emma says enthusiastically with a big smile while bouncing around in place. "I love surprises!!!" She exclaimed.

"Well, alright then I'll come with you!" Norman says smiling at Emma's enthusiasm. They so like each other.

I lead them back to the front/entrance portion of the forest and over to Rays tree. "AWW ITS A CAT!!!!" Emma screamed. "Emma!" I cover my ears at her excitement. Ray puts a finger to his lips indicating to stay quiet. The cat was napping peacefully on his book, enjoying the head pats.

"It's cute." Norman adds. Everyone and myself agrees. This cat would be a great addition to the family. But, our next challenge is mom accepting it since Norman and Emma (clearly and as predicted) like the cat.

"Alright, now that Emma and Norman know and accept this cat as one of us now, time for mom!" I remind Ray. "Right," he said back to me picking up the cat and putting his book aside.

I half expected the cat to rip him to shreds but it stayed calm and somewhat enjoyed being held. The four of us walked over to were mom was, watching the children play.

"Mom!" Emma grabs her attention over. "Hello Emma! What is it?" She replies. "We found a cat." Ray says showing her the small cat. "We wanna keep it as a pet!" I add in.

"Oh! Well, non of your siblings have any allergies to cats so I guess that would be okay. You can keep the cat." She says with a warm smile. We all cheer in happiness, Emma most excited.

"This is awesome Y/N!" She cries. "The cat needs a name!" Norman added. "Yeah, but what should we call it" Ray asked us. "Hmmm....."

It took a while to think but we all shouted C/N at the same time. "Guess we all had the same idea." Norman stated laughing a bit. "Well it's a good name."

Time Skip

After dinner, we brought the cat inside. We introduced C/N to the rest of the family and they all loved it. We made it a bed out of some spare linen we had, and put its bed next Ray's, since Ray first found it.

C/N quickly adapted to the new environment and was really good with the younger children.

"I thought cats were supposed to be mean" one added. "They aren't mean if you give them the right stuff they need, like a good home and love!" I assured.

Sometimes when Ray and I would read together, the cat would come and lay on us.

The end!

I hope you enjoyed this rewrite! I definitely prefer it tbh :> it's more, less boring if you could say! As always if you have suggestions or feedback, feel free to comment them! Have a good Day/Night!

Tpn (and Ray) x she/her reader (my first public story thing) -!SPOILER WARNING!-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang