Emma's Pop Tarts (3)

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This story will have a new/different writing style, as to my previous style which is more of a play script format. Lmk if you like this style or the other better!

This is also somewhat more of a TPN x reader, rather than focusing strictly on Ray, as my other stories have





Ray: Emma, why are you
texting us at this hour?
I'm trying to read.

Norman: Emma stop
I'm sure whoever did it
wasn't aware they were

Y/N: what's going on?
I cant sleep with my
phone buzzing so much...

Emma: Something...  very odd
has happened regarding
MY belongings! Whoever
it was, fuss up!

Norman:  ^ Please do, I want
to go back to sleep 😭

Ray: Well I don't know who
it was, nor do I care. Like
I said I'm trying to read about
a mystery, not solve one.

Y/N: ^  you guys know how
it puts him in a bad mood
when he's interrupted
during his reading time.

Emma: then why doesn't he
mind when YOU do Y/N?

Ray: ...

Y/N: ...

Norman: Back to the issue

Emma: RIGHT! I want and
will get to the bottom of this!

Y/N: then can you explain
what the hells going on?

Ray: ^

Emma: SOMEONE took my
Cookies and crème pop tarts!

Ray: wait, Y/N? Aren't you
eating pop tarts right now?

Y/N: ...

Emma: Y/N! Those were
my last package!

Y/N: I was hungry okay!
They're my favorite! But,
why'd you need to text the
group about this? You
and Norman share a room,
so the only logical answer
would be me and Ray who
also share a room, so couldn't
you just go down to our room
yourself and confront one of us?

Norman: yeah Emma,
you didn't have to wake
me up :(

Emma: well, investigating
would be a lot more fun! I
was bored too, and couldn't
sleep. So i wanted to have my
pop tarts! But when I went to
the kitchen, looked under the
cabinet were I hid them, IT
WAS GONE! I couldn't be
too sure who it was... thus
I  formed this plan to
confront the thief through
the group chat!

Y/N: you watch too many
documentary shows...

Ray: ^ now that this has
been solved, can I please
read in peace?

Emma: But! I'm still bored!

Norman: Then sleep

Ray: ^

Y/N: ^^
Emma: I can't!

Ray: we'll you better try
or bother norman about
it, just don't bother me
so I can read my book
for once.


The next morning Y/N wakes up extra early, though she was up late so she could head to the store. She sleepily opened her eyes to the dimly lit room as the sun had only just rose a few minutes ago.

Y/N's POV:

As soon as I was (somewhat conscious) of my surroundings I headed to the closet. I picked out some simple comfortable clothing as it was early, not many people would be at the store. That and I didn't feel like dressing up when I'd only come home just to probably take a nap.

I threw on my comfiest clothes without looking like I'd just rolled out of bed (though I had).

I went to the bathroom to make sure my (h/c) (h/l) hair didn't look like a rats nest. Thankfully it only had loose tangles.

After I was finished brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, etc. I heard Ray from the connecting bedroom to the bathroom.

He rolled over, clearly groggy. His hair was messy and he was still half asleep. "Y/N?" He questioned. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I'm going to the store," I replied feeling guilty I had woken him. "I felt bad about eating Emma's food, so I'm going to buy her some more. Along with a few other groceries we need like bread and cereal."

"Alright then, don't be gone too long..." he rubbed his eyes and buried his face back into his pillow to continue sleeping.

I felt the need to rush to the store and rush back, in case Emma woke up before I got back. I slid on my shoes, grabbed the car keys and rushed out the door. The winter air stung as I sped-walked to the car.

I hopped in the drivers seat, turned the key and somewhat sped out of the driveway. "Why did I want to rush out?" My mind repeated. I had no good reason. Just anxiety I wouldn't make it back in time to surprise Emma.

Once I got to the store, I parked my car as close to the front as I could. There was hardly any people in the parking lot, mainly cars from the employees still working from the night shift, or the bakers.

I turned the gear to park, took out the keys and walked back into the frigid winter air. Once I entered the shop I grabbed a basket and quickly found the snack isle. I looked for what seemed like an eternity before I found the pop tarts Emma likes.


I grabbed them and put them in the basket. My nerves had calmed a bit, knowing Emma usually slept in until later. I had around an hour.

After I had gotten my other groceries and self checked out, I drove home. I was already feeling ready for a nap.

I arrived back home, finally able to be cozy and warm again. I put the other groceries away and left the pop tarts out on the counter for Emma to find. I scribble out on a yellow sticky note...

Sorry I ate your pop tarts,
I bought you some more!

-Your Best Friend, Y/N


I hope you enjoyed this! (I actually really prefer this writing style and I'm glad I tried it! It feels more legitimate, and more interesting! As always if you have suggestions lmk! I'd be happy to do them!


1005 words (not counting these)

Tpn (and Ray) x she/her reader (my first public story thing) -!SPOILER WARNING!-Where stories live. Discover now