Trailing his eyes across your face Polnareff sucked in a breath before leaning forward and pressing a peck to the top of your forehead, moving afterwards to unwind his arms from around you and sit up. "We should get some breakfast and continue searching."

As if on cue your stomach released a low rumble, something you clearly flushed at sitting up and wrapping your arms around your stomach. "Uh yeah, I agree with you there." Pursing your lips together after saying that you watch the ivory haired man laugh faintly shaking his head before standing up and moving towards the window.

His eyes lingered past the blinds and yet another hum left him, the sky outside was a pale blue, nearly gray and although it was clear for the time being he could tell just by the looks of it that it was going to rain sooner or later.

Watching the man linger in front of the window for a minute or two he eventually trailed off towards the bathroom.

You were happy that he wasn't as irritable as yesterday nor as tense, though in thinking that you could only wonder how long that would last. Additionally your mind could only wonder about what the others were doing, you knew they must've stayed in town as well, presumably at another hotel of course.

You wished there was a way to contact them.

As if coming to a sudden realization you perked up, the form of your stand now appearing before you idly. It's sketched form loomed over you as if waiting for what orders and or things you might say to it.

Sitting cross legged you stared at the being for a minute or two contemplating on what exactly to say.

"Uh, find and tell the others good morning? And that we're going out searching for the stand...I guess?" Raising a brow faintly towards the stand as if it would respond back, your eyes lingered across it's form before it shrunk down into a single line darting through a crack in the window frame.

Taking in a deep breath Joseph's eyes trailed towards the two empty chairs set out along the side of the table, untouched and unoccupied by a pair he could only hope would've showed up.

A sigh left his lips soon after and his eyes trailed away from them. "I guess they're both no shows."

The others each looked at the chairs as well, different expressions were sprawled out across their faces before a mass began forming behind the oldest of the group. It's darkened and scribble-like form was familiar enough for them to know it wasn't an enemy stand.

"Good Morning!"

Spitting out his drink in surprise at the voice that'd called out Joseph shot out of his chair spinning in place. Teal hues right away fell onto the constantly moving 'face' of Mad Dog seeing the stand looming behind his chair. "What the hell?!"

"Polnareff and I are going to be asking around for the man with two right hands." Your stand once again spoke mimicking the way your voice sounded, from the tone and speed down to a T.

Looking between the stand then towards the rest of the group Joseph's face showed that of confusion, "Since when could it talk?" Raising a hand and pointing towards the stand his eyes then trailed around the group as if expecting one of them to have an explanation.

Which one of them sort of had an explanation.

"It could do that for a while," Beginning with that Jotaro crossed his arms leaning back into his chair. "Not sure how but she's talked to me twice with it." Recalling how you'd used your stand twice to talk during or before a fight he released a low hum. "It's like a walkie talkie."

Blinking at what his grandson had said it seemed as though Joseph still couldn't quite wrap his head around what that meant.

"What I think he's implying is that if you talk to it the message will be passed on." Speaking up from where he sat, Kakyoin's eyes tracked across the stand before jumping towards where Joseph stood in front of it.

An 'oh' left the man's lips before he once again faces the stand, hands planting themselves firmly onto his hips. "Uh Morning and we'll keep an eye out for the two of you then, stay safe. Over." The addition of 'over' wasn't needed but it wasn't like he knew that.

In an instant the stand flattened into a single line zipping out of the restaurant and to who knows where.

"That woman." Muttering that and shaking his head Joseph slipped back into his chair, eyes lingering across his half empty cup while an array of mutters left him.

Raising his own cup and taking a sip Kakyoin hummed gently, "I wonder what else her stand can do. If it's sound based there must be a lot." Absentmindedly stating that the red haired man trailed off, his mind lingering on the subject for a moment before Avdol chimed in.

"I don't think it's sound per say, perhaps more of vibrations or waves." Musing that out he nodded to himself before adding on. "She may even be able to change the density and speed." Tossing that idea up into the air Avdol nodded to himself, sound often had many different uses and if you managed to you might even be able to heal with it.

Having your legs resting up against the wall and your head partially resting off the bed, your eyes trailed across the popcorn ceiling. Your mind trailed towards where the other's might've been, only really focusing when the form of your Stand reappeared leaning over where your head was.

Joseph's voice played softly from it almost as though your stand knew Polnareff wouldn't want to hear the others at the moment.

"Uh Morning and we'll keep an eye out for the two of you then, stay safe. Over." Unlike how your Stand usually rephrased your words this sounded exactly like something he'd said, and upon hearing the 'over' you couldn't help but laugh.

Opening your mouth to send another message, your ears picked up the sound of a door opening, Mad Dog instantly fizzled away leaving no trace that it was there all the while Polnareff stepped back into the main room. The man reaching down to raise his bag up from the floor, briskly tossing it over his shoulder.

Turning so your full attention was on the man you mused out, "Ready to head out?"

"Yeah," Nodding his head softly in response to your question, Polnareff casted his gaze out the window before adding on. "We'll grab something to eat on the way out." Dragging his eyes away from the window towards where you stood they trailed across your faint smile.

"Lead the way mon capitan." Raising a hand you spared him a mock salute.

Keeping his gaze fixed on your for a moment or two his head turned towards the room's door, the edge of his lips quirked up from your little show and he couldn't help but find himself shaking his head softly in response, broken heart earrings swaying as he did so.

Reaching out and twisting the door handle he held it open motioning outwards with his free one,

"Let's get going then, Ma chérie."


Not me accidentally going on hiatus </3 Life has just been busy so I apologize

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