Chapter 15

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Seven years pass. . .

"Do you ever think trees can feel what we do to them?"

A soft breeze brushed by as the words were uttered, your arms were outstretched in a way that made it seem like you were walking a tightrope. The branch beneath you barely shifted at the added weight and merely flaked upon each step your foot made.

"Sometimes. But trees and plants alike lack pain receptors that other living things have." Answering your question with ease, a hum left through his nose, hand gliding across the page of whatever book he was reading before flipping the page. "Meaning you definitely would feel pain if you fell from a height like that- we're not kids anymore."

Puffing out your cheeks and lowering to take a seat along the branch you reached out plucking a few of the tree's leaves only to let them fall onto the navy haired man below. "Are you saying I'm old? Because that's not very gentlemanly of you."

Having been tapped on the top of the head from the few leaves that rained down, his eyes briefly trailed upwards, bright blue orbs practically rivaled the sky itself. "I'm implying that if you fell you'd still hurt yourself."

"But if I fell you'd catch me. Wouldn't you?" The look your statement received was enough to tell you that you'd caught him there, what kind of man would he be if he'd let a lady fall.

"Of course." Feeling like he knew where the conversation was heading he stood up from his spot among the grass closing the book he had in hand proceeding to tuck it away. Standing beside the tree one could see how much the once small navy haired boy had gotten, and now apart from just being tall he'd grown quite the amount of muscle, face no longer retaining any baby fat leaving it more chiseled and defined.

Waiting till the man was standing below where you sat you released a melodic hum, "You get taller every day, I swear." Pointing that out and reaching out a hand you could practically almost touch the top of his hair, the spiked blue strands nearly brushing against your palm.

"And you get smaller every day." Extending his arm up and out he easily cupped your hand in his, the navy haired man was practically able to reach the branch you'd been perched on.

Running the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand he felt how smooth they were in comparison to his own and how dainty they were.

"Technically everything gets smaller for you every day." Merely shaking his head towards what you'd said he used his other arm to make a gesture for you to come down from the branch holding it out afterward in assurance.

Pulling your hand from his own and shifting forward on the branch you hopped off instantly being caught by the navy haired man, leaving you being held similar to how a toddler would carry a cat. Setting you down softly onto the ground Jonathan had let his hand fall from under your arms to rest along the curve of your waist.

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