hyunjin - party

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"alright, you ready to go, princess?" hyunjin asks you. you coat your eyelashes with mascara one more time before stepping out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where hyunjin is patiently perched on the edge of the bed, waiting.

you smile and run your fingers over your curves. "sooooo, what do you think?" you're wearing your new dress: a tight, dusty pink, ruched thing, highlighting all the best parts of your body.

hyunjin simply stares at you hungrily. his eyes roam your body, up and down, up and down. he doesn't say anything, just keeps staring.

"jinnie?" you ask. he still stares at you, not saying a word. you start to cover yourself up, putting your hands across your body, feeling insecure. "what, does it not look good? i-"

he cuts you off, shaking his head. "no, you look... come on, let's get in the car," he mumbles. "we're gonna be late."

you make a confused face but still follow him out to the car. almost the entire drive to the party, hyunjin has been completely silent, only responding with short word answers when you try to talk to him. you notice he has a sort of pained expression on his face. you don't know where this is coming from, but you have a feeling you will find out.

you both walk into the party, instantly overwhelmed by the amount of people and the volume of the music. hyunjin grabs your waist, guiding you over to his friends.

"hey, y/n!" han says. as soon as felix sees you, he pulls you in for a tight hug. changbin looks at you and smiles.

"what's up?" hyunjin says, moving closer to his friends. "you guys get drinks yet?"

"nah, we-" lee know starts to say, but his mouth suddenly shuts, his eyes focused on something. what was he looking at? hyunjin's leg, it seemed? what was wrong with it??

but then, like a domino effect, all of his friends looked down at his leg, each one furiously tapped the other and pointing.

"hyun, are you ok?" you start to ask before he cuts you off.

"i'm fine!" he says. at this point, his friends are almost on the floor, in tears from laughing so much.

hyunjin shoots them a very dirty look before grabbing your hand and leading you toward the bar.

"hyunjin, what the fuck was that about?" you ask, a bit concerned.

"they're just being jerks." he rolls his eyes. "fuck, i need a drink." you put a hand on hyunjin's arm to calm him down a bit and he softens at the touch. he orders two shots for both of you, downs his in one gulp, and then walks back over to his friends.

they start to say something, but he shuts them up with one look.

throughout the night, you, hyunjin, and his friends are engaged in conversation. well, maybe not hyunjin. it seems he can't keep his eyes off you. every once in a while, you'll look up from your conversation with felix and will see hyunjin staring at you, his face completely blank, but his eyes dirty and starving. you can't seem to figure out what the fuck he wants. you keep giving him confused looks, but he simply doesn't say anything and keeps staring.

after about an hour and a half of being at the party, you finally decide to confront him.

"hey guys, i'm just gonna go talk to hyunjin really quick," you tell his friends, earning a giant smirk from han.

you wander off to find hyunjin, who went to the bathroom. luckily, you catch him right as he's coming out.

"hyunjin," you say loudly. "why are you acting like this? what's going on?"

suddenly, he guides you towards the corner and pushes you so your back is against the wall. he puts a finger on your jawline, gazes deep into your eyes, and whispers, "i can't be here right now."

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